Indomie goreng belacan
By @wilianakate
π 1 pack of fried noodles
π 1bh chicken eggs
π 4bh red curly pepper
π 4bh rawit
π 2bh red onion
π 1bh garlic
π 1 / 2sasetet terasi
π 2sdm of cooking oil
π Boil enough water, boil noodles and drain
π Puree chili, onions, and terasi give a little salt, not most salty later
π heat the oil, scramble the eggs until cooked, set aside on the edge of the pan, stir-fry chilli until fragrant, noodle input, noodle seasoning, soy sauce and noodle oil, turn off the stirring stirring flat, serve a sprinkling of celery leaves / fried onion.
@odirespect FOLLOW ME
Mouth watery
I am salivating already