Yum yum! This looks SO good! I definitely love Thai food. I'm going to have to explore the little Asian markets around town and find myself some lemongrass and lime leaves. I'm a huge sucker for Thai green curry.
It's so hard to pick one top/favorite food! That's nearly impossible, really... because it totally depends on the season and my mood! lol BUT I would have to say my favorite is probably crispy BBQ duck... it doesn't matter the season, or anything else, if I see duck on any menu, I'm probably going to order it. And hubby and I have fortunately become fairly adept at making our own. In fact, there's even some duck leftovers in the fridge right now! lol I know what I'm having for dinner...
So sorry for the delay in responding, this one some how slipped by me. Remind me, what part of the world are you in? If you're in the states near a larger city, Trader Joes will have lemon grass, or Whole Foods Markets or your local artsy / fartsy hip grocery store.
I understand with the duck. I've only had it prepared right for me one restaurant, but it was awesome.
Thanks so much for the great commenting @offbeatbroad
No worries!
Yes, I'm in Canada, so there's no Trader Joes, but there's a Whole Foods here. I'm sure I could find it there. We have a really amazing Chinatown here, though, which I feel would be a really reliable place for quality Asian ingredients, without breaking the bank. hahaha