香港美食推荐-米其林餐厅利苑Food must have in Hong Kong series!!!-- Michelin star restaurant Lei Garden

in #food7 years ago

Helllllo here's great food from Lei Garden Michelin one star continued and I will recommend their best dim sums and the desert!!

Scallop seafood porridge with fried bread stick and sauced duck tongue with tofu
Dipping the dried and fried break stick into porridge is really a great idea and I adopted this method when I have breakfast at home then. The sauced duck tongue is both great at flavor and the tongue and tofu is incredibly tender!!!! Love it so much.
瑶柱海鲜粥配小块干油条和酱鸭舌 去香港以后才经常看见这个泡油条进粥里的做法 但感觉真的很赞油条软软的扮着粥整体口感特别好 以后自己喝粥的时候也学会了泡点油条哈哈哈
酱鸭舌下面有一层豆腐也是酱汁味的 豆腐和鸭舌都特别特别特别嫩 味道极佳真的一万个推荐尝试

Steamed custard stuffed bun, Steamed Chicken Claw with Black Bean Sauce, and Steamed Rice rolls with shrimp
Their custard buns are fluffy and soft indeed, and taste it when it is hot at the right level you will feel a mouthful of satisfaction omg I miss it soooooo much!!! The other two dim sum the steamed chicken claw and the shrimp rice rolls are both at the level of good dim sums as well.
利苑的奶黄包真的特别松软然后奶黄内陷的味道也很适当,在还有点烫的时候吃下去一本满足,写到这里真的好想念哈哈哈想再去香港吃。 凤爪和肠粉都是在水平线上的,不出错。

This is a really big soup dumplings(or bun) that the inner is filled of soup and once you eat a small part of it the soup would all come out. And though I forgot what the inner meat is I still want to tell that the mix of the soup inside the dumpling and the soup in the bowl makes it super fresh and tasty. And it is cute for it to be this size that fulfills the whole bowl and good for taking pictures hahahah.
这个灌汤包or饺子我忘了具体叫什么和内陷是什么了 但是真的很大啊装满一整碗哈哈哈 一开始吃包子里面的汁就会流出来和碗里面的混合在一起但喝起来挺香的 在这个尺寸的时候已经不像是吃灌汤包了而是吃面皮喝汤😂 还是蛮值得点一个的照照片好可爱哈哈哈

Signature Dish-- Chilled Mango Sweetener with Grapefruit and Sago

This is the top of Hong Kong and Cantonese desert delicacy right? You can find it everywhere. In general it made as mango, grapefruit, and sago in mixed mango juice and coconut milk. The Lai Garden usually brings desert after guests finishing their meals and it is offered cold that suitable for enjoying and emphasizing the taste. I always think that the two points to make a good mango sweetener is to have a good mango and make a good juice (nonsense hhh.) It is great that every time I order this from Lei Garden the mango is not sour nor weird tasting but always be almost the same flavor. They don't put much grapefruit in it so did the coconut milk I guess, so this desert is all of the flavor of fresh and milky mango. Overall it is a very qualified mango sweeter and I love the temperature they provide it most.
杨枝甘露基本上是港式甜品头牌了吧几乎香港哪里都能吃到 一般是芒果粒西柚粒西米和芒果椰奶之 利苑家习惯是餐后上甜品但我还是一开始就让他们拿上来了一边吃菜一边吃甜品 拿上来是冰冰的很适合也能凸显甘露的口感 一直觉得一道杨枝甘露最重要的第一点是用个好芒果 第二就是做个好汁了(废话) 很开心每一次在利苑吃都没有遇到酸的或者怪味的芒果 味道把握的很一致 他们家西柚的分量不多味道也被淡化很多 底汁的奶味也不算重主要就是芒果味 整体还是一道很合格的杨枝甘露 最喜欢的就是他的冰度了

This is basically all great dishes (among those that I have tried) from Lei Garden, there are also some great appetizers that I don't have good pics now... And every time I order one vegetable dish but it turn out not to be so good as for the price and the supposed quality of a Michelin restaurant. the average price per person is around HKD 250-400(USD 33-50 roughly) from my experiences if you don't order those huge seafood dishes. Overall it is a super great Michelin one star restaurant that I think its quality and taste is at the level and worth trying cuz it not only offers dim sums but also other dishes as well so for those who would like to experience Hong Kong food it is really a good choice.
Thank you for reading and supporting! I will keep introducing other restaurant, thank you and please follow if you are interested~

这些基本上是我吃过的利苑的菜里面最推荐的了 其他的有些凉菜也不错但是我没有很好看的照片就不po了 每次都会点一道纯素青菜但是很遗憾没感觉哪一道特别值得这个价钱和水准 不点海鲜大菜的话基本上人均HKD 250-400(RMB220-350D大约) 整体来说这是一家非常不错的米其林一星餐厅价格和水平都在线,非常值得尝试 如果想体验粤式菜肴推荐这家因为不仅有点心也有别的炒菜烧腊汤粥等等非常全面