Michelin star restaurant series-- Ho Hung Kee at HK 米其林星级餐厅推荐之香港何洪记

in #food7 years ago

Ho Hung Kee Congee and Noodle wonton shop is a Michelin one star restaurant in Hong Kong that provides mostly Cantonese style foods. It is located in Hysan Place at Lee Gardens at the 12th floor. The environment and interior design there is pretty and light with marble walls and sofas in Tiffany blue.
何洪记是米其林一星港餐餐厅 坐标在希慎广场十二楼 环境hin不错 明亮 大理石墙和tiffany蓝的沙发

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House speciality wonton noodles in soup
The signature dish of this restaurant is wonton soup with noodles, and they offer this course with several different stuffings. The bowl in the right top part is the pic of shrimp wonton noodles. I ordered a big size which contains six wontons, and each wonton has a really big whole shrimp inside. The noodles and soup of this dish are both classical Hong Kong flavor and overall I view this dish from Ho Hung Kee pretty much present what a wonton soup noodle should be like. If you haven't enjoy this style of meal or have had it anywhere outside HK or Guangzhou Province that would like to verify the authenticity of those you have had, this one from Ho Hung Kee could be a recommendation for you to try and check!
正斗鲜虾云吞面--这家店的招牌就是云吞面了有各种内馅的 图中右上角的是鲜虾云吞面 点的大碗有六只云吞 很大的整只虾仁吃的满口 面啊面汤都是典型的港式味道 还是很能代表云吞面的 推荐尝试

Stir fried rice vermicelli in Fuzhou style
Though my Fuzhou friend that eat together said that she did not have see this type of fried rice before lol, the taste is reallllly good. It could count as one dish that I cannot forget and aim to try it again. It satisfies the requirement of a good fried rice that the egg is golden yellow and each grain of rice is separated and the color is also pretty and various. If the wonton soup is viewed as the standard level, then this fried rise is advanced and upper😊. Recommend!! I remember the price is HKD108 (USD$14) and the size is big.

福州炒米 虽然一起吃饭的福州朋友表示自己并没有吃过这样的炒饭 但是味道真的一级棒 算是念念不忘要再去吃的炒饭了 满足鸡蛋金黄米饭粒粒分明哈哈哈颜色也丰富 如果说云吞面是标准水平 这个就是高级了!推荐推荐 价格我记得是HKD108

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Rice noodle rolls fried with twisted fritters
That is the first time that I had this dish though I've eaten rice rolls for years with different stuffings..... Feel so interesting and fancy about the combination with rice rolls and fritters seriously, but it tastes good. The fritters is not really crispy and the rice noodle got soy sources poured over so that the fritters become soft. A new and special experience for me, yet I still prefer rice rolls with eggs, pork, or shrimp 😂
油条肠粉 第一次吃到这道菜。。这种搭配感到很神奇 不是特别脆的油条 淋上酱油泡软之后还是很特别的体验哈哈哈 虽然我还是更喜欢叉烧鲜虾或者鸡蛋肠粉

Another type of signature dish from this restaurant is the congee. I forgot what type of fish is ordered though but could remember that we believe we have chosen fillets but when this is served what is inside is half of a fish head🙈........... There are more fish bones than congee in the bowl sadly, and there are gingers that smells obvious for me (I don't really like the flavor of ginger). But I felt the time and procedures this congee has taken, that the rice are boiled for long time at a lower temperature to make it thick. I bet the salted lean pork and preserved egg congee would be much better....
生滚鱼什么什么粥 我们坚信点的是鱼片 上上来发现里面是半个鱼头🙈 鱼【骨】多粥少 粥里放了姜丝 还是熬的很香能尝出来是小火煮了很久的 就是想吃鱼片... 我打赌皮蛋瘦肉粥会好吃很多.......


Pan-Fried Tofu Skin Rolls Stuffed with Shrimps.
This is the pic of the tofu skin rolls that I did not have the chance to take a picture of the complete dish before it was eaten 😂 Despite that the pic looks not attractive at all, I have to say this is a strong and sound prove of the delicious of the food lol. The shrimp inside it is extraordinarily chewy!!!!!!!!! I don't know how could they ever make shrimps as al dente as this, just love love love it! And the fried tofu skin is also tasty and smells delicious already. Must try this if you come to this restaurant!

这张图是还没来得及照就被吃了的鲜虾腐皮卷 虽然图片很丑 但这正好是对这个才有多好吃的最好证明😂里面的虾特别特别的Q!然后腐皮也十分的焦香口感一级好 必点必点

This is pretty much of the good food I have tried from Ho Hung Kee, a lot of people love their stir fried rice noodles with beef but sadly I was allergic to beef during that time so I did not try it.. The average price is cheaper than Lei Garden as about HKD130-180 (USD17-24) without order dishes with abalone. It is not a restaurant that worth traveling from one place to there for more than one and a half hour that much (which is what I did ), but if you are around or shopping at the Hysan Place this could be a good choice. Again thank every of you for reading and voting, please support me if you enjoyed from these foods!!!

何洪记的食品吃的不多这些是我感觉比较好的了 很多人喜欢和推荐他们家的干炒牛河但很遗憾的事我去的时候在过敏不能吃牛肉。。这家店价格比利苑要低一些人均大约在RMB115-160不点有鲍鱼的菜的话哈哈哈 总体来说不是一家值得花一个半小时时间为了到达的店 但就在周围或者希慎逛街的话这还是一个不错的选择
谢谢每一位阅读和voting的你😊 如果喜欢这些食物请支持我吧万分感谢大家!



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