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RE: Penny's Kitchen: Episode two; Mistresses Tea ( or; Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.)

in #food7 years ago

Morning! I share your love affair with Earl Grey - so much so that I literally put a mention about it in the acknowledgements of my dissertation, along with the people and cats who were there for me too all those years. Granted, I put a lot more half & half than you do...I am extravagant about that because I want it to taste like a dessert. I used to drink at least 4 cups a we've sort of switched to coffee most mornings and then the afternoon is for tea. I'll also drink vanilla tea or English Breakfast on occasion, just to keep it real. But the Earl...true love always! I have a tea pot in stainless steel that belonged to my grandma. I love using it so I think of her :-) Cheers!


Awww!! Kitty's do make it better for sure! I used to be a big coffee drinker but I've just decided to give into my tea lust and drink it all day now, I love heirloom tea paraphernalia! The cup I use at home is from my great grandmother, I also have one from my great great grandma but I don't use it because of my fear of breaking it lol! Thank you so much for your comment