With the summer months come more fun and outdoor activities for all to enjoy! One of those activities is shopping at the local farmers’ market. At the farmers’ market, you get out of the house and stores and into the fresh air. You can do your grocery shopping for the week and support your local economy at the same time. This is a fun way to buy fruits, vegetables and other staples from farmers who are also there to answer questions!
Here are several tips when going to the farmers’ market:
Know Your Seasons. Learn what grows seasonally in your area and speak with the growers about what will be coming to market in upcoming weeks. Alter your selections by the seasons so that you get produce at its best.
Go Early or Go Late. Markets tend to be less crowded when they open and just before they close. For the best selection, go to the farmers’ market early. Popular and limited items often sell out before the day is done. For the best deals, go to the farmers market late when vendors often discount their goods instead of loading them back up and taking them home.
Think “Local and Fresh.” Buying from local farmers means buying locally grown which typically means fruits and vegetables are picked when ripe and not way ahead of time (for instance, if coming from South America, Mexico or out of state). Root vegetables such as carrots and beets are sold whole and unpeeled with greens still attached. Learning to use just-harvested produce may take some getting used to if you are accustomed to the traditional grocery store (bagged greens, peeled carrots and such), but the superior flavor, quality and nutrition make it so worth it.
Try Something New. Select a vegetable that’s new to you and ask the farmer or vendor how to prepare it. Better yet, ask how he / she likes to prepare it the best! This is a great way to add variety to your cooking, meals and nutrition!