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RE: Crypto Salted Caramel Cupcakes!

in #food7 years ago


Why must you torture me so XP

Ever thought about making an eatable chess set ? every kind of piece is a different preparation. pawns would be a pure chocolate (white or black depending on player), castles could be this kind of salted caramel... Hmmm...

What other sweet stuff could the rest be made of ?

In any case, thank you for making my brain salivate uncontrollably in both hunger and appreciation of your creations XP


Hmm, you just came up with a brilliant idea! Why don't YOU make it? :-D. Maybe one day I will make it. It's for sure a cool idea ;-)

Don't know if I have the time right now, but it could be an interesting future project.

I've been wanting to experiment with chocolate and food-safe molding, so once my 3D printer arrives I'll probably at least make the pawn design XD