hello steemians,
i have left the family (my wife and son) like few weeks ago and while i am missiing my wife`s cooking i decided to start cooking just like when i was single and was cooking fo my self. cooking was kind of a hobby for me and i realized how much i missed that when i had to move to chicago last month for my cllinical rotations. its a little time consuming but once its done i just enjoy it. i decided to share few of the persian style foods i eat at home and hope you all enjoy it. i would also like to recoment you guy a persian dish called beef KOOBIDEH comes with white rice. also if there is any persian restaurant around you definitely try GHORME SABZI as wel. you will love it i will upload few pictures here from my own cookings and also few other dishesh with its name so if you ever end up going to a persian restaurant ask for these food. forst 4 are my own cookings. do you guys think i am a good cook????
also i will put koobide ghorme sabzi and some other persian dishes ...if you want to try of have any questions upvote comment and will be glad to answer. if you guys around chicago area let me know we can have it together
lets upvoted and make enough to take you all (those in chicago) to a great restaurant
Oh, you're killing me here!

hahahahaha sorry:(