These delicious yellow flowers are part of Mexican and Italian cuisine. The flowers can be eaten both raw and cooked and both their stems and their flowers are used.
On the weekend, they invited me to eat pumpkin flower or pumpkin, and as I always say, "do not say no, you have not tried it". And really they are very rich, there I found out that in Mexico it is part of the national gastronomy.
I prepare them as they see in the battered photograph they had a fried chicken flavor. The Mexicans prepare them in different recipes, since they are an important part of the day to day in the different recipes.
In stews, tortillas, in short there are many recipes that can be prepared with pumpkin flowers or auyama. In addition they have a high content of vitamin C, which protects the body from oxidation. Includes folic acid, essential to ensure fetal health.
It is good to start making recipes very simple, to go tasting little by little. Also here in Venezuela, are not easy to find or rather we do not have it at hand, as in Mexico that are achieved in markets, such as vegetables.
I hope you like my post.
Very good!!!
pelancarada please return my steemit account abg me muntahar. sorry he tired-tired to play steemit. please return yes
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very good @perlanacarada =)
No recuerdo haber comido flores. ¿A qué sabrán? Deben ser sabrosas si Perla las come. Mi nieto David prepara las semillas de auyama asadas. Le quedan muy buenas. Saludos querida amiga.
Mi querido profesor, le in vito que las pruebe y luego me comenta, muchos saludos @josedelacruz