What fruit is that?

in #food8 years ago

I went to a farmers market and picked up these fruits from a local farmer. The single light yellow fruit on the right is a pear
If you can guess what the others are, you'll get my vote :)



@lilrut @flemingfarm The answer is white sapote (the small green ones) and Chinese quince (the large yellow ones).

The sapote were tasty, the Chinese quince is cooked up and awaiting its fate in a cake or tart.

Wow, I'd never heard of Sapote and those are some big quince!

Flamingo Squash. :)

Yes, the long one is a squash, i.e. pumpkin.
What about the others?

looks like some kind of mango and loquats

Not mango or loquats but good guess!

I know the squash is a Zuchino Rampicant, then the yellow ones look like Paw Paw, and the green look like tiny asian pears?

Not asian pears, not paw paw.

I know only 1 from this picture .... the one in the right corner "pear".

I already gave you that one! What about the others?

I don't know them by name because I leave in EU and here there are not growing.