Hello everyone,
I want to share with you one way to split cabbage into chopped noodles that is intended for chopping (grinding) meat, fruits and vegetables.
I slowly waited for the camera to rinse the hand movement, because the camera was close to the cabbage.
Look at my pictures

Look at my video
After chopping, place the chopped cabbage in a deeper bowl and pour the salt, oil and hand a little to grind and unite, then add apple-vinegar or any other as you like. Želim da podelim sa vama jedan način seckanja kupusa na rezance sa satarom koja je namenjena za seckanje (usitnjavanje) mesa, voća i povrća. Nakon seckanja, iseckani kupus stavite u dublji sud i sipajte sol, ulje i rukom malo izgnječite i sjedinite, zatim dodajte jabukovo sirće ili neko drugo po vašoj želji.
You can put a piece of parsley, celery and basil on a salad or put in a salad and mix (by will and desire)Thank you for watching, reading, following me and enjoying my posts, quotes and comments
Zdravo svima,
Seckao sam polako da bi kamera mogla da isprati pokret ruke, jer je kamera bila blizu kupusa.
Pogledajte moj video i slike kako je salata na kraju ispala.
Možete na salatu staviti seckan list peršuna, celera i bosiljka ili staviti u salatu i promešati (po volji i želji)Hvala što ste gledali, čitali, što me pratite i uživate u mojim objavama, na upvote i komentarima
Fun to watch and enjoy your steady, precise chopping :)
This is ChinaTypical Cleaver Chopping Kitchen Knife.
On the video clip, I slowed down my splitting so that the camera could rush. Otherwise, you would not see a knife but just a cabbage as it flies all over.
You have several species and each is for special purpose.
You can cut into thin slices to get it almost instantly.
When you get used to it, you can cut meat very quickly (pieces, cubes, leaves, sticks, thin noodles and you can chop the meat so much that it becomes minced on the machine), and you can chop the vegetables and vegetables quickly and accurately. The width of the knife prevents injuries, the length of the blade allows you to cut a large piece of meat, vegetables, fruit, etc. in one cut.
Of course, there are great differences in the shape of the blade, the thickness of the knife, the weight, the length, whether it is straight blade, curved or angled, and, in addition, a great importance for the longevity of the sharpness of the blade and the quality of the knife is the quality of the metal.
I think that you are the first person to get my video on youtube.
How do I know? When I looked at my video, I saw that one person reviewed it and in the comment you tell me that you watched the video.
Thank you for that
I'll publish a lot more
is genial your post
Thank You @pepetips