
in #food6 years ago (edited)


Linseed is grown for over 5000 years. They are used in the production of flax, the production of essential oils, for culinary purposes and medicinal purposes.
As we see from the composition, flax seeds are very rich in numerous medicinal substances. The medicine in medicine was used for lung diseases, respiratory and digestive system, swelling, ulcers and burns.

It has been known for a long time that they are an excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid from which, by means of the desaturase enzyme, a complex biochemical process produces omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids have multiple effects on the health of our body. They participate in the process of alleviating inflammation and pain associated with rheumatism, arthritis, osteoporosis and migraine. Indirectly, they can reduce the formation of clots, which reduces the risk of heart or stroke.

According to the results of an international study on the effect of micro and macronutrients on blood pressure, a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can also affect the reduction of high blood pressure. Lan proved to be as effective as cholesterol lowering drugs, as evidenced in a study that included 40 patients who consumed 20 g of flax for 60 days, consumed 20 g of ground flaxseed. Omega-3 fatty acids are needed to maintain the elasticity of cell membranes, which is very important in diabetes because elastic cells respond much better to insulin and better absorb glucose. A study conducted at the University of Toronto showed that flax can also fight diabetes. Respondents who ate bread with flax had blood in their blood for an hour after meal for 28% less sugar than those who ate wheat bread. Linen oil treats skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, acne or burns from the sun. Oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of depression and can also affect memory, learning concentration and eye health.
However, Omega-3 is not all that the lan offers. A meal with flax or flax flour is a good source of dietary fiber. Dietary fibers can reduce cholesterol levels in heart disease, reduce colon exposure to foods that are harmful to the body, help with constipation, and stabilize the level of diabetes in the case of diabetes. Flaxseeds contain lignin and other fibers. Lignins reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer because they reduce the activity of estrogens, the main sex hormone of the woman, the potential agent of malignant growth. Diced flax or flax oil is a good source of phytohormon lignans, which relieve symptoms of menopause, reduce the risk of breast cancer and heart disease. Some evidence suggests that they promote fertility. Scientists have received results suggesting that lignans laced with lanus associated with omega-3 fatty acids slow down the onset of prostate cancer. Lignans are antioxidants, have antibacterial, antiviral properties and prevent damage caused by free radicals, and are associated with aging and disease.

A good combination of fats and carbohydrates makes the flax an ideal food for those who want to maintain weight. It is advised to eat ground flax or linseed oil, while flax seeds have a solid shell and are poorly digestible.

A good combination of fats and carbohydrates makes the flax an ideal food for those who want to maintain weight.

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Thank you to those who read it or at least have their intention and if they did not write a commentary or give it a vote, because they anonymously and with my silence send me a criticism to even better write my text.

interesting story about the Flaxseed, always good to know

Linseed is very unique as any other seed

One tablespoon of ground flaxseeds contains the following

Calories: 37
Protein: 1.3 grams
Carbs: 2 grams
Fiber: 1.9 grams
Total fat: 3 grams
Saturated fat: 0.3 grams
Monounsaturated fat: 0.5 grams
Polyunsaturated fat: 2.0 grams
Omega-3 fatty acids: 1,597 mg
Vitamin B1: 8% of the RDI
Vitamin B6: 2% of the RDI
Folate: 2% of the RDI
Calcium: 2% of the RDI
Iron: 2% of the RDI
Magnesium: 7% of the RDI
Phosphorus: 4% of the RDI
Potassium: 2% of the RDI
Interestingly, flaxseeds' health benefits are mainly attributed to the omega-3 fatty acids, lignans and fiber they contain.

Some studies have found that a type of fat found in flaxseeds, called alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA, actually may make prostate tumors more aggressive.

What is good for one is not good for all. There is no doubt benefits within flaxseed, but no one diet "fits all." Spoken by a vegan. Upvoted...

I agree with you, but if you eat everything you eat in normal quantities, I do not think you will be anything, that is, you will not have a problem or a nasty outbreak. It should not be exaggerated in foods or in anything, it is good from everything and the body will be satisfied. All this is provided if your body is healthy.
I did not write this text for keeping a child using flax seed.
Thank you very much for your comment

No, you didn't, but it may serve a purpose in case the audience is wondering. Thanks.

I agree ...
It can be talked about for 5 days about flax seed or any seed, because many benefits give it a lot of value.
@screenwriterml, Thank you for your good comments

@photo-master you can read the sesamas interesting, I set the text about seed sesame