I love to eat blue fish, there are three main reasons:
1. A complete culinary experience, easy to prepare
2. Positively influences on health
3. Keep your pocket, it costs a bit
People are not poor if they eat cheap fish because this fish has a very nutritional value of sardines, mackerel and ginger. And doctors recommend this type of blue fish because it has the best preventive agents: Mitigating effects and reducing general cholesterol levels (bad HDL), especially in the fight against triglycerides, cardiovascular diseases and phenomena related to cell oxidation.
I love fish when it's grilled, then they do not have a lot of oil

Verry nice food @photo-master
Oh, thank you @creativemaster
Ах любимото ми ястие👍Обожавам риба и не консумирам месо,но за риба и морски дарове умирам🙂