Perfect dish-Savršeno jelo

in #food6 years ago (edited)

Hi all,
This meal is unavoidable for people who like the combination of potatoes and meat. This dish has turned out to be a phenomenal taste and it looks.
Here's what you need from the foods to make this meal.

The recipe is for eight (6) portions:
black onion4-5
garlic cloves2-3

(It is better to take meat that has a little fat on it)

Marinade for meat:

Chopped garlic, chopped ginger, minced sweet spicy red pepper, salt with a mixture of spices, 200-300ml of water.
Mix all this and leave it in the refrigerator for 24 hours, but after 12 hours stir and, if necessary, add water to keep the meat constant in the saffron to absorb the marinade.

Preparation of meals:

Put the chopped onions in the dough 5-7mm, cut the potatoes to a size of about 2-3cm, chopped garlic on citrus dices or leaves, 1-1.5 tablespoons of salt soup with spices and ground sweet peppers. Mix everything and depending on the meat whether it's a little bit greasy or do not add oil to the potatoes. And finally put pieces of meat on potatoes.
You can also place bacon pieces of 1x1x 4 or 5cm, do not get bigger than it can not bake well enough.

savršeno jelo,
Pozdrav drugari,
Ovaj obrok je nezaobilazan kod ljudi koji vole kombinaciju (krompir-meso). Ovo jelo je ispalo fenomenalnog ukusa a i izgleda.
Evo šta vam je potrebno od namirnica da bi napravili ovo jelo.

Recept je za osam porcija:

1200gr krompira
4-5 crnog luka srednje veličine
2-3 čena belog luka
800gr mesa

(Naj bolje je uzeti meso koje na sebi ima i malo masnoće)

Marinada za meso:
Seckani beli luk, đumbir, mlevena slatka začinska crvena paprika, sol sa mešavinom začinima, 200-300ml vode.
Sve ovo promešati i ostaviti u frižideru 24h ali nakon 12h promešati i po potrebi dodati vodu da meso bude konstantno u saftu da meso upije marinadu.

Priprema jela:
U pleh stavite seckani crni luk na kockice 5-7mm, iseckate krompir na veličinu od oko 2-3cm, seckani beli luk na citne kockice ili listiće, 1-1,5 kašike za supu soli sa začinima i mlevena slatka paprika. Promešajte sve i zavisno od mesa da li je malo masnije ili ne dodati ulje na krompire. I za kraj staviti komade mesa na krompir.
Možete staviti i komade slanine veličine 1x1x4cm ili 1x1x5cm, nemojte veće od toga jer ne može da se ispeče dovoljno dobro.


nice food

Thank you @alaydroes83

This is verry nice food

Try to make it, it's very easy to prepare

Nice photo. Comfort food is the best :)