Hi all,
Today I have prepared the famous princess donuts by grandma's recipe.
This beautiful treat is prepared very quickly and easily. About 1 hour you can save about 40 pieces.
This cake is prepared in two parts. First, the dough caps are made and then the famous vanilla fillet is made and you can put some other flavor but then the cake will lose the meaning of the grandma's recipe. We all have learned that we should respect them earlier, so this time we do not need to invent, as grandmother says.
I did this this time when my grandmother wrote and got a beautiful princess donut.
And now, fold your sleeves, wash your hands, and then take action.
Ingredients for donut:
- 250 ml of water
- 100 ml of oil or margarine for cakes
- 100 gr of flour
- 50gr corn starch for cakes
- 1 baking powder
- 4 eggs
Preparation of donuts:
Put water and oil or margarine for cakes and wait for the water to warm up. While the water is heated, the powder for baking, flour and density is mixed. When the water is warmed, add a spoon a spoon of flour and stir with a wooden sweep. As the dough will be dense and brittle, you need to mutilate on a moderate fire until it begins to separate the dough from the pot. Mix about 3-5min, remove from the fire and wait for a little cooling. Add 4 eggs and stir until we unite everything. Put the dough in the syringe and form a donut, you can also form a donut with a soup spoon. Put the baking paper in the dish and form a dough on it. Between the donuts should remain an empty space between them about 2cm because the dough rises so that they do not sticking to one another. In the heated oven at 200 ° C, the baking oven is about 15 minutes. The oven must not open during cooking. Leave the baked donuts in the dish to cool.
This should look like dough after baking.
Ingredients for cream:
- 1 l of milk
- 4 yolks
- 5 tablespoons of sugar
- 2 bags of vanilla sugar
- 5 tablespoons of flour
- 150 gr of butter
Prepares cream:
For the cream to moisten the yolk with sugar and flour, mix with a little cold milk. Put the rest of the milk to rub, then pour the cream from the yolks and cook to thicken it. Finished cream remove from the fire and add cool butter and vanilla sugar to the chilled. Mute until the cream becomes smooth. Chilled donuts chop, fill with cream and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Pozdrav Svima,
Danas sam spremao čuvene princes krofne po bakinoj recepturi.
Ova prelepa poslastica se veoma brzo i lako priprema. Za oko 1h možete pripremiti oko 40 komada sa dve ruke i jednom rernom.
Ovaj kolač se priprema iz dva dela. Prvo se prave kapice od testa a zatim se pravi čuveni fil od vanile a možete staviti neku drugu aromu ali onda ce kolač izgubiti smisao bakinog recepta. Mi smo svi naučili da starije trebamo poštovati, pa tako i ovog puta ne trebamo izmišljati nego kako baka kaže.
Ja sam ovog puta uradio kako je baka pisala i dobio prelepe princes krofne.
A sada zavrnite rukave, operite ruke pa da krenemo u akciju.
Sastojci za krofne
- 250 ml vode
- 100 ml ulja ili margarina za kolače
- 100 gr brašna
- 50gr kukuruzni skrob za kolače
- 1 prašak za pecivo
- 4 jajeta
Priprema krofni:
Staviti u šerpu vodu i ulje ili margarin za kolače i sacekati da se voda zagreje. Dok se voda zagreva pomešati prašak za pecivo, brašno i gustin. Kada je voda zagrejana dodajemo kašiku po kašiku brašna i mutimo drvenom varjačom. Pošto će testo biti gusto i lepoljivo trebate mutiti na umerenoj vatri sve dotle dok ne počne da se testo odvaja od šerpe. Sačekamo da se malo ohladi i dodamo jaja i mešamo dok ne sjedinimo sve. Testo stavimo u špric i formiramo krofnu, možete i kašikom za supu formirati krofne. U pleh stavite papir za pečenje i na njega formirate testo. Između krofni treva da ostane praznog prostora između njih oko 2cm jer testo narasta pa da se ne zalepi jedno za drugo. U zagrejanu rernu na 200°c, peći krofne oko 15min. Rerna se ne sme otvarati prilikom pečenja. Pečene krofne ostaviti u plehu da se ohlade.
Ovako bi trebalo da izgleda testo nakon pečenja.
Sastojci za krem:
- 1 l mleka
- 4 žumanceta
- 5 kašika šećera
- 2 kesice vanilin šećera
- 5 kašika brašna
- 150 gr putera
Za krem umutiti žumanca sa šećerom i brašnom, razmutiti sa malo hladnog mleka. Ostatak mleka staviti da provri, pa sipati krem od žumanaca i kuvati da se zgusne. Gotov krem skinuti sa vatre i u ohlađeno dodati puter i vanilin šećer. Mutiti dok krem ne postane gladak. Ohlađene krofne raseći, filovati kremom i posuti šećerom u prahu.
Looks delicious and beautiful! my wife makes sometimes. She calls them the French name portfiteroles. Wonderful by any name :)
An interesting name in French
Whatever the name is, it's pretty dessert
@steven-patrick thank you for comment
Hvala @tanja72