Like a lot of people I'm a beer fan. Trough this first post I'd like to introduce you some beers from Belgium only.
I personally taste all of them.
One of my Favourite :
Leffe Royale
Delicately lemony bitterness and flowery aromas. An exceptional beer. Alcohol: 7.5%
La filou
Filou is a strong blond beer that drink easily. A beer with lots of character brewed with Belgian and Czech aromatics hops and malt. Fermented a second time in bottle. Alcohol: 8.5%
La belgoo
Belgoo beers are highly fermented brewed in a traditional way. There are 6 different Belgoo. Alcohol 6.4%
La chatte
An amber beer from the Tchets brewery. Unfiltered and unpasterized to ensure full flavor. alcohol : 6%
Hoegaarden grand cru
Golden-orange look. Bitter and sweet flavored with coriander. Alcohol: 8.7%
To consume with moderation!
If you like my post don't hesitate to upvote, follow @pickoum and reply.
Resteem one of my post I'll resteem one of yours ( say it in reply).
I like Leffe and Hoegaarden but havnt tried these varieties. I will look out for them in the future!
Thank's @sroka87 the next will come soon just le tme drink ;)
Hey @sroka87 my next post on beer is on steemit ;) look at this! Thanks! @pickoum
Belgium beers are my favorite. I really liked Stella when I first became of age to drink. Then at a English pub, a guy told me Stella was the Budweiser of Belgium. I had no idea. I moved on to Chimay. These days, I really like Brasserie D’Achouffe if available. We have Stone brewery here in San Diego that I visit often. They have an IPA called, Cali-Belgique. It is my favorite local beer. I wish you could try it and tell me what you think. Cheers.
Hey @runrudy thanks for your reply. I know Stella artois it's an old pills from leuven she tastes like a jupiler not bad but "La Chouffe" is better for me. I can understand the feeling that you can get by drinking if its taste reminds you of good memories ;) I'm proud of beers from my country and happy you can find them close to your home. Be careful if you drive. Hope one day I can go to Cali-Belgique and see from my eyes. Cheers!
Yes, Belgium beers are the best. You have a special glass for every type. Here is a link to Stone Brewery and the Cali Belgique
It is a hybrid between California IPA and Belgium. It is very delicious. Thank you and be well!
I don't forget Stella.. It's been a long time
Hello @runrudy I've made a new post on Belgian beer. Look at this ;) Thanks! @pickoum
Yea! Nice one. @pickoum TGIF! Do you guys say that in Belgium? Cheers
Yes we say that but I needed translation for TGIF (Thanks God it's Friday in french it's "Merci mon Dieu c'est vendredi") santé!
Lovely. Thank you for posting @pickoum. Always learning at Steemit.
salut @bleujay le nouveau post sur la bière est sortis. Regarde ça ;) Merci! @pickoum
thank's for replyThank's @bleujay I can see steemers are interested ;)
when will you write a steem on girls beers? :-D
Buy them and ok chou ;) you drink with me?
If it's a girls beers, ok i drink with you
ok go for a kriek :-*
my friend, u forgot the best belgian beer.
Jupiler :-)
while Duval is also very nice but higher in %
and yes I like Duval too I think there are some in the fridge :D for the next post maybe
thank's for replyyes @bjornbm but there are a lot of beer I'll put them 5 by 5 and make a post for pills like jupiler, maes..
nice, got some too in the fridge. :-)
nice to see a fellow Belgian on steemit and making a post about some of our great products. :-)
Thank's I have an idea for the next one reading your comment ;)
Drinking Duvel and Jupiler ;) get drunked
Hey @bjornbm I think of you when make this post Thanks! @pickoum
Had the Hoegaarden... Would love to try the rest.
One of my favorite beers is The Sixth Glass, brewed by Boulevard Brewing. It's a very drinkable 10.5% Belgian style quadrupel.
I never try the sixth glass, I 'll try to find it but I can see it's strong
thanks for your reply @bacchist
Czech beer is the best! )))
shhht or I downvote you ;) lol cheers
ah ah)) I love Belgian beers, too. Leffe too strong for me.
The Hoegaarden Grand Cru I find very tastefull. Almost as good as the La Trappe Quadruppel.
I planned La Trappe for a next post ;) It's a good idea.
thank's for your reply
You're welcome.
A la Trappe Special, count me in. ;-)
hey @oaldamster I've made my new post on Belgian beers. I don't have time to buy Trappe. I think I'll make a Special Trappe post ;) Thanks!!@pickoum
Good taste! But as a Belgian I believe Leffe and Hoegaarden are too mainstream :)