Dig this article! I've also found that what we don't eat is as important as what we do it. Letting go of processed and animal based foods unlock a whole new level of energy and vibrance for me, then I started juicing and doing enemas and truly felt a radiant glow. Green juice may as well be called beauty juice : )
Enemas can certainly be an odd practice to start but honestly they've done more for me than I thought possible in terms of my skin. They also help to clear up the whites of my eyes BIG TIME!
During a 2 week juice fast I did an enema or 2 daily and finished the fast with a professional colonic. I literally felt like I was on the best drug of my life afterwards! I ran into a friend later that day at the health food store and he was flabbergasted at how luminous I was.
Fresh fruits and vegetables do wonders for the body and nutrition is like a symphony, so rotation is key to create a diverse blend that covers many bases. Juicing is the ultimate delivery system for dense amounts of nutrition. Hope someone finds this helpful, I know it's strange but it's what works for me : )