is a very popular Delicious South Asian Yogurt. The food is circulated almost everywhere in Bangladesh and India. In the region it is known by various names. Whole name of Bangladesh is "Fuchka"; Its name is known as Gola-Gappa in north India, then in West India, (like in Maharashtra), the name of this food is Purna-Puri.
fuchsia is usually served with tamarinds filled with spices filled with spicy potatoes in a round petal prepared by the flour and suji. Various names in different regions, as well as the style of fucca display also varied. In some areas, instead of tantalgals, the puritanic water is used. Although there is no onion on the potato used for fuchsar fir in West Bengal, onion in India is one of the main ingredients of onion furs. Besides, the popularity of the whole country is curdled with curd-phukka or sarcasm.
petals make a small hole and spices filled with spices. Afterwards, the filling is done in a salon container filled with fuchsia tuna. This style is more prevalent in futuristic fashion shops. But in a permanent shop or restaurant plates, filled with dried foil, filled with a dried foil in a separate container. Generally, each plate is caught between five and eight fingers.
is sold in the four wheel drive in the urban areas. Mainly for motorbike in Thalagari After selling all the supplies and arrangements for making a chapatti, the vendor sells and shots at different places in different places. They are found on the bus stand in the street, park-garden, sea shore, public meeting place. There is a chair for buyers, even a canopy. There is a water-sharing arrangement. Foil petals are filled with a small hole. Around 6-7 phukka spreads around the circle in the middle of the plate. With the original vendor, whose work is done by customers, bring order from customers and serve ready fuchsk.
this choice of choice, the festival has been organized in Baridhara DOHS Convention Center in Dhaka with about 20 types of foothills.