How to make a steak dinner at work

in #food7 years ago

How to make a steak dinner at work


I’m sick of eating like crap when I’m away from home. I’m trying to come up with a few ideas I can make when I’m working night shifts. I made this steak a few times and it’s really good.

I then get the steak ready for aluminum foil


Here’s the mushrooms and steak ready to get cooked.


Here’s the food all balled up


Then I pop them in the toaster oven. It doesn’t take long. Maybe 15 minutes on 350-400.


Bing!!! Times up! I have some baked beans with it.



I have some veggies too. Hey I need some greens in my diet.



First I start out with a partial cooked steak I made at home and mushrooms I seasoned and have a little butter on. I usually use an all in one season. This time I used a McCormick Worcester seasoning.

Good job, all you need now is a fork and knife, enjoy!

Or you could go at it caveman style, but I had a fork and knife.