Steemit 15 Minute Food Challenge, Dinner in Just 15 Minutes, Video Submission by Quinn Eaker!

in #food9 years ago

Greetings Steemit Community!

I was inspired by the "15 Minute Steemit Food Challenge" as I LOVE Steemit and want to participate in the growth of the culture!

I was also inspired by @gardenofeden and the Eden Knights that participated in the food challenge as they prepared quite a feast in 15 minutes!


Beautiful Plate made in just 15 minutes by 3 Eden Knights @gardenofeden @everlove @saramiller @loveon


I love food and consider my self a master food alchemist. I can make delicious food anywhere out of almost anything including all sorts of ingredients many people have never even used before in combinations of world fusion. 

I don't prepare food as often as I used to due to the success of The Garden of Eden and the major responsibilities I have, but putting my self to the test is a great way to stay SHARP! This is a basic but delicious meal of the highest sustainable standards!

In this challenge I attempt to bring to epic dishes to the table: #1 a fully loaded burrito with eggs, onions, mushrooms, jalepeneos, cheese, greens, salsa, pico de gallo, fresh squeezed lime, salt and pepper!


Then I top it off with a frozen banana ice cream topped with chocolate, candied pecans, and fresh beyond organic Chocolate Mint!


ALL prepared in our OUTDOOR kitchen on wood burning hand made earthen rocket stoves!


Here is my video submission for this Steemit Food Challenge!



That was an epic 15 minutes. You pulled it off!!! Not only did you make a meal in 15 minutes, you made a meal AND a dessert AND for over 15 people AND you shared the process of your badassery AND did it all sustainably AND even in the dark, outside with fire AND it tasted amazing AND you set another high standard AND you get to share this awesome video. This was a really great 15 minute investment

So I did alright then?

Hahahahahahaha!!! Ummmmm....ok. You did ok!!

This was really epic. Love how you educated people along the way as well. So t rue to your nature. Keep raising the bar--we are so blessed by the upgrades!

If you don't win first place then the competition is a foul. ;)

It's possible there could be a master epic video that is better. We shall soon see. If I won't win then I will get to see a truly awesome video or scrutinize the folly of the competition haha


Dinner AND dessert in 15 minutes, cooked outdoors over fire--EPIC!!!


You are the Emril Lagasse that cooks with a badass epic handmade knife. ;-D

I am glad SOMEBODY mentioned the Epic Hand Made Knife!

This is awesome. For several reasons, not the LEAST of which is that you fully cooked in the dark. But also, the manmade stoves were a bonus. And the manmade knife. And you narrated it like a pro. And I liked the part about different sizes of veggies making different textures. AND I fully wanted to eat it when you were done. So hats off.

I am SOO grateful for your perspective and input! I am honored and fulfilled to know that In inspired and set a HIGH bar for culinary ART!
Hope to earn a follow from you and to be worthy of that follow in posts to come!

Whatever! I've been following you since your debut last week! Are you kidding? I really like seeing your SD go up. I watched an interview with you and Ron Paul, and I guess it just makes me feel like steem is helping support your little village that got ransacked by the feds.

Steemit is helping us more than any other organization in the WORLD!
Thanks to people like you we are getting more attention and getting more compensation for what we do than ever!
ITs still VERY little in comparison to the BIG BOYS but its growing every day!
Thank you for the support and I hope you continue to tune in and be a part of the cause!

Always a great joy to see someone expand what we think is possible!

Push the envelope~
Watch it bend~*~

Awesome man. It looks tasty specially the chocolate mind @quinneaker

It was way better than it looked! What a feast!
You couldn't have watched the video already. Going to?

A master at work :D

Yes! Awesome post, yummy food. I'm camping next week, I was going to do some simple sandwich preparation outdoors, but I think you have set the bar for outdoor cooking high @quinneaker ! Challenge accepted :D

I love raising standards!
Let me know what you accomplish!

Wow, I am going to be submitting a recipe into the competition also. You have really raised the bar. What can I say, I am impressed. Great job!

Ahh, very nice. I will try adding more variance to my vegetable cuts. I tend to do the opposite without thinking about why.

I am glad you learned something!
There is not nesecarry a right/wrong way to do it but with the varithe nice you get more depth of texture. Sometimes when cooking you want less but generally I prefer the more.
Hope to keep bringing valuable posts to the table!

<img border="0" src="http://content.sweetim.c

get more." /> om/sim/cpie/emoticons/00020322.gif" title="" />

Love the post! Upvoted and followed! We have built many rocket stoves at this point and just love them. Nothing like cooking on wood, and you can't beat that flavor. Consider checking out some of our post and upvoting/follow if you like what you read.

So glad to meet another who is into cooking with fire!
It is a much more real exoeri move indeed!