hallo steemian food lovers ..!
How are you? hopefully in all health, in this blog to four of the typical food aceh that we will discuss now is the food derived from fruit that is the fruit of salak the name of the food is salak pliek u, salak plik u including rujak. so what are you waiting for we make salak pliek u
150 gr pliek u
Pliek u made from an old coconut. Coconut fruit is split and thrown water. This was then consumed for five days, then scraped and readied for a day. This will come out of the oil separated with the dregs, the dregs then in kerngkan become pliek u
1/2 teaspoon salt
6 small pieces of chilli or according to taste
3 tbsp sugar
- fry pliek u without using oil, if it is a lump to destroy. Gongseng until slightly dry. Opt out.
- Minced chilli and salt with cobek until smooth
- Put the pliek u, milled slightly together
4.Last enter sugar and stir well. Ready to eat with bark. Can be mixed directly or matched. good luck
hallo steemian food lovers ..!
How are you? hopefully in all health, in this blog to four of the typical food aceh that we will discuss now is the food derived from fruit that is the fruit of salak the name of the food is salak pliek u, salak plik u including rujak. so what are you waiting for we make salak pliek u
150 gr pliek u
Pliek u dibuat dari kelapa yang sudah tua. Buah kelapa tersebut dibelah dan dibuang airnya. Ini lalu diperam selama lima hari, kemudian dikerok dan diperam lagi selama sehari. Ini akan keluar minyak yang dipisahkan dengan ampasnya, ampasnya lalu di kerngkan menjadi pliek u
1/2 sdt garam
6 buah cabe kecil atau sesuai selera
3 sdm gula pasir
1.Gongseng pliek u, kalau berbentuk bongkahan hancurkan. Gongseng hingga agak kering. Sisihkan
2.Giling cabe dan garam dengan cobek hingga halus
3.Masukkan pliek u, giling agak menyatu
4.Terakhir masukkan gula pasir dan aduk rata. Siap dimakan dengan salak. Bisa dicampurkan langsung atau dicocokkan. Selamat mencoba
Thanks For SharingGood Job @rayasfara
Thanks @foarsyad