Hey everyone! To me, eggs are one of the most versatile ingredients to cook with! You can eat them any time of the day in a salad, a sandwich, a toast, in a soup, fried, scrambled, poached, hard boiled, etc, etc... options are endless!
A few weeks ago, I made a lightly spicy tomato sauce for some tacos (wich I'll share later) and the idea of taste it with some eggs at breakfast was driving me crazy, so i made it and the results were fabulous. Please just try it!
For the mexican tomato sauce:
2 tbsp vegetable oil
2 Fresh tomatoes
4 green tomatoes (you can use canned green tomato sauce if couldn't find fresh)
1/2 medium size onion
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 chive
1/2 bunch of cilantro
1 fresh jalapeño pepper
1 glass of water
Cut everything roughly and heat the oil in a cooking pot on medium heat. Start adding the onion and stir until it changes color, then, add the garlic and, as soon as you start smelling the garlic cooking, add the rest of the ingredients. Mix everything and add the water. Turn the heat on low and let the sauce cook for 30 minutes... yes, we are making a short reduction!
Then, blend the sauce, (i use a hand blender, but you can use a regular one) add salt, pepper and try it!
First step: done!
Now, fry the eggs in a non-stick frying pan, (the term is up to you) transfer them to a plate, add the sauce over, grab a toast, (or two) a cup of coffee, put your phone down, dip the toast in the sauce and enjoy!
Want to take it to the next level? Add sour cream, sprinkle with cilantro and make a salsa verde. (super easy to make, just ask me for the recipe)
Let me know if you like this recipe, feel free to ask, i'll be happy to answer.
Untill next time.
The Recipe Master.