Better life for animals

in #food8 years ago

When I was a child all the cattles were in dark, dirty and stinking stables.
All over the wall there were droppings and it stunk. The cows seemed to be sad when I was there to pet them.
A few years ago one of our farmers started to let the cows out of the stable in summer and in winter. Of course he had less work with them but some people did not like to see animals outside in cold weather. He had a lot of trouble.

Today almost all farmers in our area let the cattles outside with the opportunity to go inside the stable.
I think this is a good thing. As you can see on the photos(about -2°C last week, a little bit snowing)the cattles were on the meadow.

They are nice to each other and they eat fresh grass. None of them seems to be ill. Last year I saw very young ones running through snow.
For me his is a very good progress.
There are so many animals in factory farming. Sometimes I buy meat in a supermarket and I do not know where this meat really came from. I do not know how these animals were suffering but I am not holy. I do not eat much meat but from time to time I like it.
I can not always go to a butcher or a farmer from our area but I am against treating animals in a bad way. I think food should be declaired differently. It should be possible to see immediately how this animal lived the whole life not only for the last few days. Everybody can decide then if he wants to pay more for a better life for these animals or if he does not. It is not obvious like it is.
I think it is not necessary to become a vegetarian( although I am in a conscious decision from time to time mostly for about 4-8 weeks.)or even vegan. When people refuse to buy meat from factory farming and support little farmers it is better and more effective than to say I do not care I do not want any animal product. The reason is that most people want to eat meat and it is like it is.
But this meat should be o.k.. We all should support little shops, selfmade products and nature.
(I am not a butcher ;) ) Stay healthy!