Beware the coffee could kill you!!! Causing the victims died in jakarta. Read it so you do not become the next victim !!

in #food8 years ago

Are you coffee lovers?

Are you lovers of the challenges?

Dare you to drink coffee with a new sensation, yes coffee that can give satisfaction for adrenaline lovers.?

Central Jakarta January 6, 2016, at 18.30 Western Indonesia Time (WIB), a middle-aged woman named Wayan Mirna Salihin died shortly after drinking coffee at Restaurant Olivier, West Mall, Ground Floor, Grand Indonesia, Tanah Abang. Victim unconscious after drinking iced Vietnamese coffee, his head propped up on a chair facing his mouth foaming and his breathing sounded like someone who snores, immediate management of the cafe took him to a nearby clinic for first aid, but unfortunately the victim's life can not be saved he died after drinking iced Vietnamese coffee, the police directly to the place Genesis Case to uncover what really happened, they brought coffee Mirna drink to be checked in the laboratory after being checked turned out to coffee carrying the disaster has mixed content of hazardous cyanide by someone, the spotlight is fixed directly to Jesica Kumala Wongso (27 years old) with some assumptions.

Wayan Mirna Salihin with husband

The case began when Jesica and Wayan Mirna Salihin education at Campus Billy Blue College Of Design in Sidney, Australia. Around mid 2015 along with two other companions namely Boon Juwita alias Hani and Vera Rush.

Mirna know the problems in the relationships between Jessica with her boyfriend.
"So the victim Mirna advised the defendant that just broke up with his girlfriend who likes rough and drug user, stating why going out with people who are not good and not capital,"
The Mirna greeting, it makes Jessica angry and hurt that Jessica decided communication with Mirna. "That the defendant to the victim after anger Mirna, the accused finally broke up with his girlfriend and experiencing some of the events involving the police laws of Australia, thus making the accused getting offended and hurt to the victim Mirna"

To reply to the heart sick, Jessica and then make a plan to take the life of Mirna. Jessica who had cut off communications to re-establish communication with the Mirna to carry out his intention.
"To realize the plan, the accused tried to re-establish communication with the victim Mirna through WhatsApp application (WA) on December 5, 2015,"

Suspect cases of murder Wayan Mirna Salihin, Jessica Kumala Wongso (middle) officer escorted out of the room when the prisoners would be transferred to the District Court of Central Jakarta, in Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta, Friday (27/5).

Jessica goodness back while en route from Australia to Indonesia. But when it did not get an answer from Mirna. "Then the defendant arrived in Indonesia on December 6
2015 and on December 7, 2015 the defendant tried to get back to the victim Mirna through WA to notify the presence of the accused in Jakarta and the defendant took the victim Mirna to meet, "
After that, there was the first meeting between Jessica with her husband and their Mirna, Arief Setiawan Soernarko (Witness Arief) in one of the restaurants in the area of North Jakarta. Following the meeting. Jessica is very active contact Mirna through WA. In fact, on December 15, 2015, Jessica asked that Mirna make WA consisting Jessica, Mirna, and Hani. "By saying:" hy please make the same chat group hanie end me ", and at the request of the defendant, the victim Mirna making Group WA with BILLY BLUE DAYS name consisting of the defendant, the victim Mirna, Hani witness, and the witness Vera,"

Then, shortly after the first meeting with Mirna after returning from Australia, Jessica invited Mirna meet somewhere Mirna were killed. Jessica was the one who said to choose the place of the meeting.
"Where, in a group conversation WA, the defendant re-took the initiative to invite the meeting which was finally agreed on January 6, 2016, at 18:30 West Indonesia Time at the Restaurant Olivier, West Mall, Ground Floor, Grand Indonesia, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, on selection of the defendant, "

Olivier Restaurant

Then, on Wednesday, January 6, 2016, Jessica began preparing to realize his plans. At 12:58 pm, by a WA group that has made Jessica said it would treat Mirna, Witness Hani, and Witness Vera.
"And tell them if the defendant would come first to Restaurant Olivier to reserve a place,"
Furthermore, the WA group was also said to have occurred in the conversation where Mirna says about his favorite against Vietnamesse Ice Coffee (VIC) in the Restaurant Olivier. From that conversation the Defendant immediately took the initiative to order a VIC for Victims of Mirna.
On arriving at the Restaurant at about 15:30 pm, Jessica immediately booked a place for four people in the No Smoking area to Cindy Cornelia Parimahua (Witness Cindy), which served as a receptionist Restaurant Olivier.
After observing the state of Restaurant Olivier, as a preparation for the future to take the life of Mirna, Jessica left the Restaurant Olivier heading to Bath And Body Works store, 1st Floor, West Mall, Grand Indonesia, Kebon Kacang, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta.

Arriving at the store to buy three soap defendant and asked the witness Tri Nurhayati as an employee of the store Bath And Body Works, so that each soap is wrapped and put in three paper bag,
Subsequently, at 16:14 pm Jessica back to the Restaurant Olivier to bring the three paper bag. On arriving at the restaurant, Jessica delivered by Cindy witness to the No Smoking area. Jessica purposely chose a table seating 54 in the form of semi-circular sofa against the wall with a more enclosed area Although there are tables 33, 34, and 35 in the form of a chair seat with an open area that is still empty.
Arriving at the table 54, Jessica immediately put three paper bag that had been prepared on the table 54 was. Jessica went to the bar to order drinks VIC for Mirna and two Cocktail ie Old Fashion and Sazerac.

After completion of the order three drinks, Jessica directly pay for the drinks and walked to the cashier as she turned and noticed the situation and circumstances in the Restaurant Olivier. Arriving at the checkout counter, Jessica served by Witness Jukiah, direct pay triple the drink order and after paying in cash, Jessica returned to the table 54.

jessica paying and look at the restaurant situation

After that, the witness Rangga as Barista directly make orders VIC Jessica to follow the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), which is determined by the Restaurant Olivier and put in place that are making drinks at the checkout counter. Around 16:24 pm, the witness Agus Triono Runner deliver orders as VIC and present right in front of Jessica.

VIC presentation begins by putting a tumbler type glass containing white milk and ice cubes, then put the cup Hario coffee filter in the form of F-60 containing coffee on a glass tumbler. Then brewed with hot water so that the coffee liquid drip into the glass.

Furthermore, the witness Agus Triono tissue laying beside a glass tumbler and put the straw that ends still wrapped in tissue paper on top. After the witness Agus Triono finished serving VIC then Jessica insert a straw into a glass of VIC.

Not long after Marlon Alex Napitupulu witness (Witness Marlon) as Server delivers two drinks cokmil Old Fashion and Sazerac. At that time, the witness noticed that the straw Marlon was in a glass of VIC.
After Witness Marlon left the table 54 at around 16:28 pm, then Jessica moved to the middle of the couch sitting position, then put the glass of VIC on his right. Then prepare three paper bag on the pedestal table in such a way with the intention of blocking the view of people around so that the act will be done to a glass of drink VIC not visible.

After three paper bag composed, in a span of 16:30 pm until 16:45 pm, Jessica immediately put poison sodium cyanide (NaCN) into a glass of drink VIC presented to Mirna. After Jessica finished entering toxic sodium cyanide (NaCN) into a glass VIC and put it in the middle of the table 54, Jessica removed three pieces of paper bag behind the sofa and sat back to its original position.

Moments later, at around 17:18 pm, Mirna and Witness Hani came to Restaurant Olivier and Jessica approached already waiting at table 54. Mirna sitting in the middle of the couch right in front of the glass contains poison VIC already entered sodium cyanide (NaCN). Then Mirna asked the defendant "These drinks whom?".
Jessica replied "Mir this for you, you say to me in the Whatsapp that you want it."

Then Mirna said "oh, my goodness to what booking early, I mean booking, when I come ... thank you already been booked," said Mirna.
Then, Mirna took the glasses contain toxins that have been incorporated VIC sodium cyanide (NaCN) by Jessica with a straw position has been in the glass. A moment later, taking a direct Mirna VIC already entered NaCN using the straw.
That when the VIC that has been put poison NaCN by Mirna , Witness Hani is located right next to the VIC Mirna see a slightly yellowish color. After taking VIC referred Mirna, Mirna immediately reacted by saying, "Not awful, this is awful" while save yourself the shaking hands in front of her mouth as a result of the emergence of a sense of heat.

Mirna then handed the VIC drinks to Jessica to be tasted, but was rejected. Seeing these conditions, Witness Hani actually smelling and tasting VIC initiative that has been put toxic NaCN are so bitter, slightly hot on the tongue and spicy so the VIC immediately put back on the table 54.

About two minutes later, by drinking poison VIC who have entered the miRNA fainted in sitting with the head leaning towards the back of the sofa. Her mouth frothing with empty eyes and seizures.

Seeing the condition of Mirna, Witness Hani attempt to awaken and calling out a name Mirna, while Jessica just sat there in silence without reacting and not do the same as that of Witness Hani.

Not long after some employees Restaurant Olivier, namely Witness M. Gentile Andilolo alias Ileng (Witness Ileng) as GM Restaurant Olivier, Witness Devi Chrisnawati Siagian (SaksiDevi) as Head Bar, Agus Triono witness, Witness Ratnadila alias Rosi Rosi (Witness Rosi) as server, and several other employees of Restaurant Olivier approached the table 54 to try to provide relief to the miRNA. They see colors VIC that has been put poison-stained yellow like turmeric do not like the color of VIC in general that were brown coffee milk.

Furthermore, VIC remainder is stored for later examination as SOP Restaurant Olivier. Witness then Ileng bring Mirna uses a wheelchair to Clinic branch Damayanti Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta.
Arriving at the clinic, approximately 17:30 pm, the witness dr. Andry Joshua as general physician at the Clinic Damayanti see Mirna conditions such as fainting. Agency Mirna bit stiff, but still alive. 5 minutes later, came the Witness Arief to bring Mirna to Abdi Waluyo Hospital, Jalan H.O.S. Tjokroaminoto 31 33 Menteng, Central Jakarta

Approximately 18:00 pm, the witness dr. Adiyanto as the doctor on call at the hospital Abdi Waluyo, check the condition of miRNA that has been in a state of no palpable pulse, no breathing, and heart rate does not exist. Furthermore, dr. Adiyanto still perform a medical procedure to Mirna form of help breathing and resuscitation (heart-lung pump) for 15 minutes.

The relief effort was to no avail and Mirna was pronounced dead at 18:30 pm as Abdi Waluyo Hospital letter number 004 / DIR / RSAW / I / 2016 dated January 11, 2016, which contains the name of Wayan Medical Resume Mirna Salihin.

Until now there has been set Jessica as suspects despite strong evidence has led to it, the inaugural session to hear jesica performed 6 months after the incident, precisely June 14th Tuesday, however, Jessica was detained at the police station area of Metro Jaya for a few days for questioning,
trial lasts longer for reveal the truth in this trial, and the trial to 5 will be held on Wednesday, August 3, 2016, the hearing be open and you can follow him on Indonesian national TV like Tv one and Metro TV.


Thanks for your response, I am still learning the English language,
Please guide me :)