I love Mexican food, Mexican soaps, Mexican lifestyle, I even have a Mexican name - Margarita. Well, I was actually named after my grandma, and she got the name when my great-grandfather spent time in South America and fell in love with some girl there. He came back to Croatia, married my great-grandmother, got a daughter and named her by his Latino love.
Sweet. Not.
But if you ever watched Mexican soap opera you must've seen some pobre niña named Margarita, whose son was not really her son but her father, as we find out at the end of the telenovela :))
I like to spice my food a bit. Just a bit - more. At first I set aside one part of the lunch for my kids because they don't eat spicy food but then one day my husband said 'when you separate the food for children, do the same for me. No one can eat this what you're eating'.
My father in law is from Hungary and ones he gave me their spice called Pista. He said - it is very spicy, so be careful. At first I was. It was an extra spice, you could put just a little bit in the pot and the whole lanch would be pretty hot. I used it almost on the daily bases but day, after day, after day, I started to using it, well, regularly. I even lick the spoon after using it. It is unbelievable how the body can get used to everything.
So you can only imagine how lucky I felt the other day after I pursued my family for a Mexican restaurant instead of this 'mild and without flavor' restaurants. Of course they didn't know what to eat but I couldn't make up my mind, I wanted it all.
When I finally got my food I also had to try all those other spices on the table - enchilada and chilly sauce... I cried a little, but it was worthed.
Adding a little spice to our life, can't harm.
Spicy is the best, whenever I eat soup I make it turn from yellow to black as how much pepper I put, and it still isn't enough spicy for me haha. Maybe that's why I get cold once in a year :) How about you?
That's how I eat soup too :)) I didn't see the connection but you might be right, I don't get a cold eighter :))
I hope you ordered Margaritas with that meal too :P
I poisoned myself with tequila in high school and haven't drank it ever since... Maybe it's time to try again :))
You forgot to mention that everything will taste better with some mariachi music :)
Aaaaaaa mariachi 💝