Nice to know your wife has developed an interest. My wife and I have a similar passion for gardening, as she grew up on a farm. We enjoy all aspects of it - just being outside vs. having our faces stuck into some digital device, working with the soil and the intricate harmony amongst all the living, etc. Just living simply ...
We share a similar view on your election results, although I don't pretend to be all that current on our northern neighbors.
It really seemed arrogant to me though that Obama chose to endorse him. I sure wouldn't be impressed with any other elected leader outside of our country telling me how to vote ...
The only question for me is whether Trudeau asked him to do that, if there was some thought that might help him overcome the blackface firestorm ..
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I have no idea why Obama chose to endorse Trudeau. It seems kind of ironic given the distaste in America for foreigners interfering in the election and Obama is kinda high profile.
On an interesting side note, one of the reasons why the Liberals were attacking the Conservatives is because the conservative leader, Andrew Sheer is a dual Canadian-US citizen. This is not a legal problem in Canada but it does come with some political baggage.
The most pathetic part is the Liberals always brag about how diverse their government is, being a dual citizen of somewhere with awful human rights records and autocratic governments is a symbol of courage and enduring spirit and all those nonsense feeling words. Celebrating your other cultural is beautiful and empowering. However, being American or western-European is the opposite, it's something to be ashamed of and means you probably have questionable loyalties if you haven't already denounced and renounced it.
It is not confusing to me @abitcoinskeptic, as those with a philosophy like Obama are elitists and do not view national borders the way I do and you might. Principles of personal responsibility, self government, and the resulting decentralization of power is anathema to them ...
Interesting to know about the dual citizenship of Sheer. And the associated damage to his political prospects. I think this ...
... hypocrisy is not limited to Canada. The "forked tongue" manner in which these ideals are expressed, but then routinely violated, happen here in America almost continually.
Well, better get on with my day. Thank you for your replies on a topic totally unrelated to your post. We can both go back to enjoying what we have a little bit more influence over ... 🙂👍
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I definitely support national boarders. A lot of countries have civil service and things like conscription or taxes. The only reason we agree to these is because the government is supposed to give us citizen rights and property rights, etc. Loose boarders was never part of the deal.
It's ironic that the same people who used to hate globalization are now cheering for it, but in a slightly different form.
That being said I strongly support legal and skilled migrations and donating foreign aid to refugees.
I don't mind off topic replies if it is a good conversation. I was even thinking of adding something about the Canadian election, but the results were frankly unexciting.
Okay, thanks for taking the time to let me know this @abitcoinskeptic …
… as we are likeminded, in this regard.
And we appear to have similar views about national borders, as well. I can’t say whether it is or not in Canada, but that is a major topic for discussion here in America …