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RE: Hey, those berries aren't corn chips!

in #food6 years ago

"It made me think about how hard it must be for parents to keep young kids off heavily processed snack foods."

The best method I have seen is to highly restrict heavily processed food from the start. As you said, habits get formed. I have friends who feel ill almost immediately if they eat McDonald's or anything similar.


Yep, that's one way. I'm not a parent so didn't want to make any suggestions. I rarely eat Maccas, more Burger King (Called Hungry Jacks here) and yeah, I never feel great afterwards. McDonalds is worse though, if was to eat it. I think I haven't done so for about 2 years.

It's obviously an issue as the government campaign about better choices. Look at the obesity and diabetes stats...Says it all.

I agree it is an issue. I would argue with the govt. about who's issue it is , though. I tend to think it is the consumers responsibility, not the vendor.
I have never seen unwilling patrons being marched into a fast food chain with a gun to their head.
Anyway, your berries looked quite tasty. I occasionally like to add just a slight amount of raw honey and cream.

I agree with you completely...The people choose to eat it, or smoke, or drink drive, take ICE...It's all the same really...Choices are made and that's that. Different choices can be made though...

One of the most freeing paradigm shifts I've ever had was realizing I was responsible for choosing my life. Too many people don't want to own the responsibility for things in their life they don't like. Consequently, they give up power over their lives, and the freedom(responsibility) to control and change it.