Some training buddies were talking about this the other...weekend (I haven't been for a while, bad me :S). It has a name an everything, but of course now that I want to tell someone about it I can't remember what it is XP Basically it's that the snacky food has something in it that triggers the dopamine producer (or maybe it was seratonin? Obviously I need to sleep better, memory is going x_x) so no matter how much you know that it's not that great for you and you'd be much better off just eating the damn fruits, you just want the shitty food because for the few minutes that you're eating it your brain is tricked into thinking that it's happy, and logic and health be damned.
I know this and am still eating the 2min noodles because right now I need to short circuit my brain.
It's when you fall into the easy/convenient/want that happy feeling all the time trap that it becomes a major problem XD

Yep, I heard something like that also. Habits can be difficult to break too as they deny one the enjoyable habit. Thanks for commenting.