
Not a "popular" subject Sam, I know this; which is why when people wonder "why wont Seb post more diet stuff"...... coz that's like telling a smoker; "you know you really shouldn't smoke." Everyone has strong opinions about their food choices, and prefer staying in the dark, literally.

Not sure I can justify writing the next one on sungazing with this kind of payout. Is sungazing a popular subject???

Perhaps everyone would like another make-up tutorial instead?

HAhahaaa... judging by the reaction to @sungazing, I'd say Nahhhh; not gonna be popular. Who wants to wake up early, and go "burn their eyes out"? The energy to convince, isn't worth it. Some of my sungazing timelapses got less than 100 views on the Tube. Sadly, make-up will be popular. We're ahead of our time, we cant help/change that.

The highest payout ever was a make-up tutorial.

Says it all really.

[face palm]
