Chocolate, date & almond torte - Bun Diaries #1

in #food7 years ago (edited)


¾ cup slivered or flaked almonds
120g dark chocolate (70% cocoa)
1 cup dried, pitted dates
3 egg whites
½ cup caster/granulated sugar

300ml thickened or whipping cream
1 tablespoon caster/granulated sugar


Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius (350F/Gas mark 4) and lightly grease a 22cm cake tin and line with baking paper.

Put almonds and chocolate in a food processor and process until fine – it will seem like the blade is taking quite a beating but don’t panic they will become fine after a couple of minutes. Tip chocolate and almond mix into a bowl and then process the dates – do not process dates with chocolate mix, the dates are too sticky and will combine the chocolate mix into solid pieces (I tried this already).

Separate the eggs whites into a dry mixing bowl by cracking egg in half, tipping the egg yolk back-and-forth into each half of eggshell until all of the globby whites have fallen into the mixing bowl – you can also purchase an egg yolk separating tool from any kitchen/cookware store. Discard egg yolks.
Beat the egg whites on high speed using electric beaters until soft peaks form (it will turn to froth), add the ½ cup of caster sugar and continue beating on med-high speed until sugar dissolves and mixture is thick.
A great trick to tell if the mixture has been beaten enough is to tip bowl onto its side, if the mixture doesn’t slip/move then it’s perfect!

Gently fold (not stir) in chocolate mix and dates then spoon mixture into prepared cake tin and smooth surface. Bake for 35 minutes or until torte mixture is golden and set.

While waiting, lick the bowl and spatula clean, then tidy the kitchen. :-)
You can leave the torte to cool in the oven with the door ajar if you would like it to stay tall and be more crispy on the outside. I took it out to cool in the tin for 10 minutes on the kitchen bench, then turned it out onto a wire rack to cool completely because I wanted it more soft, the torte will sink a little.

Whip the cream and extra sugar using electric beaters until thick and fluffy. Lick the beaters – share one if you like – and then serve a slice of torte with whipped cream!

If you’d like to show off then spread the cream over the top of the torte and sprinkle grated chocolate to decorate. The torte will keep for 6 days in an air-tight container without cream, otherwise it is best eaten on the day.


What a fantastic effort, @sarah.jsd

Thanks! It's so simple and yummy! I had baked it to take to a friends place for dinner, I came home with an empty container! Haha I was pleased and also sad.