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RE: FOOD & FASTING - the evolution of eating & progressive loss of knowledge

in #food7 years ago

Everyone thinks they'll be breatharian by next week, first, let's learn to eat enough fresh fruits, roots & greens, as HIGH-Carb Warriors.... without any addictions.


For sure. It does sound rather appealing though. To have the choice of eating or not eating! Thanks for sending over your old info on this subject. I really enjoyed writing this article... and learned a few new things too :)

"Don't do it coz it sounds cool" is the advice from Genesis Sunfire..... and where is he now, anyway? All the breatharians disappear; talk shit for a year or so, then you never hear from 'em again. There's a clue. Meanwhile; HIGH-Carb people are there 10, 20 YEARS running circles around everyone. There's another clue ;)