RESEP Marie Wijen ala Ibu Malka
5 servings
10 pieces of marie roma
100 gr white sesame, roasted first
1 tbsp margarine
20 ml of water
5 tbsp sugar
20 minutes
Heat the sugar until completely dissolved, use a small fire so as not to burn.
Enter the margarine, let it melt and pour water. Be careful with the spark yes. Use super little fire yes.
Enter the marie biscuits into the caramel then roll on the roasted sesame. Do it quickly until it runs out.
Leave set and ready to serve.
Note: make sure the sugar sdh benar2 be a thick caramel, so white sesame can be perfectly stuck and when the biscuits are cold caramel thick & sticky like marie sesame
Follow me @sedangmenulis
looks nice 👍🏻 enjoy
fantastic presentation and delicious food