I have had the pleasure of volunteering in elementary school and the most disheartening aspect is related to the school lunches. The food is pretty unhealthy and loaded in fats and sugars. The fruit is from a can. Additionally, to the poor food selection, our school added a "snack" vendor who makes artificially flavored and colored icees as tempting as possible for an extra dollar. It hypes up the kids for the rest of their school day and it makes me wonder how the school approved such a move. Why is nutrition compromised when it is so important to make good food choices as a youngster heading into adulthood?
It is these thoughts that made me realize that the time and effort to pack a nutritious snack and lunch is worth the added price. Some of the items that I include are carrots, sliced bell peppers, a sandwich made from organic meat, whole grain brown rice treats, banana, small orange slices, and a full bottle of water to keep my youngster hydrated. I vary the lunch in order to keep it interesting and fun.
In my opinion, this is a very nice lunch box and food items. It includes - family love, healthy food, way to prevent hunger, energy. Good life good food.
It is important to dedicate quality time to these details that make a difference. Not only in nutrition, but also in the love we offer in a small lunch.
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It is likely that they do not care at all about the balanced feeding that children should have and therefore prefer to sell or give them such harmful foods, while they generate profits all well