Hello Everyone,
Today.s I share about fish processing and some good benefits. These benefits are very better for our health. because fish is a big source of protein. Fish decrease too many diseases in our body.I show the complete hygienic processing in this post.
what is fish.
Fish are the gill-bearing aquatic craniate animals that lack limbs with digits. They form a sister group to the tunicate together forming the olfactories. Included in this definition are the living hagfish lampreys and cartilaginous and bony fish as well as various extinct related groups.
fish processing.
processing of The fish starts from handing and it continues to consumption roves the value of the product as well as the shelf life of the product. Variety in Process product is also increased due to processing. Some p processing operations are done at sea while other operations are processed in near the shore near erosion. Currently weighing about 30% of the fish is being marked and fresh fish is processed in the form of frozen fish, canned fish, smoked fish, salted fish, dried fish meal ingredients in the ready to eat and fish by-products.
Preparatory Operations.
Fish is handled with care and from contamination then slime is removed because it is a perfect environment for microorganism growth. It is removed by washing. Salt is added to water too. Soaking of fish in 2% solution of baking also removes the slime. Some fish varieties are scaled this process is known as scaling of fish. Blanching of fish for 3-6 seconds in boiling
Water is a common method for scaling. Electrical scalar is also available. Then the fished. After de-heading the cutting process is done. In this process, remove some fish body part as well as swim bladder. In gutting the bile, the fish is cut down and the internal organs are removed fish is longitudinally up to anal opening. Fins are also removed and fish is sliced according to requirements.
The precooking method of canning starts with the fish, if necessary in case of frozen fish.
The fish are eviscerated and washed, then cooked.
Cooking is accomplished using steam, oil, hot air, or smoke for 1.5 to 10 hours, depending on fish size. Precooking removes the fish oils and coagulates the protein in the fish to the meat.
###4) COOLING:
The fish are then cooled, which can take several hours. Refrigeration can be used to reduce the cooling time.
After cooling, the head, fins, bones, and undesirable meat are removed
The fish is cut or chopped be put in cans.
add spices on processed fish
benefits of fish.
- Fish Is High in Important Nutrients.
- Fish May Lower Your Risk of Heart Attacks and Strokes.
- Fish Contains Nutrients That Are Crucial During Development.
- Fish May Increase Grey Matter in the Brain and Protect it From Age-Related Deterioration.
- Fish May Help Prevent and Treat Depression, Making You a Happier Person.
- Fish Is The Only Good Dietary Source of Vitamin D.
- Fish Consumption Is Linked to Reduced Risk of Autoimmune Diseases, Including Type 1 Diabetes.
- Fish May Help Prevent Asthma in Children.
- Fish May Protect Your Vision in Old Age.
- Fish May Improve Sleep Quality.
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