Feed the wine-o and indulge your love of blenders at the very same time. Yes, I'm talking to my fellow smoothie enthusiasts!
How? HOW can we do that???
It's simple. It's quick. It's...
Loosey Goosey Wine Smoothie Ingredients (1 Serving) |
★ 1/2 cup fresh or frozen berries of choice...heck, use whatever fruit you want |
★ 1 cups red wine of choice....fine, fine. You can use white wine, too |
★ (optional) 2 teaspoons sugar |
★ (optional) 1/4 cup ice |
The Way Too Obvious Instructions |
1. Throw all your ingredients in a blender. |
2. Blend them to oblivion. |
3. Drink. |
4. Repeat until desired results are achieved. |
This would make for one boozie breakfast smoothie. NSFW. LOL!
This is definitely more of an after work special ;)