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RE: Aloha Story #3: How To Make Goma Ramen at Home! Restaurant Quality Full Instructions! 🍴 (20 Photos)

in #food8 years ago

Belize seems like one of those tucked away places, a hidden gem. In Hawaii it is blazing, me and my roommate talking about how nice our outdoor weather will be in the winter.

You should definitely get your daughter on here, there are a lot of aspiring artists and she will also like their work, while producing her own. Omg I remember when I used to write fan fiction. To be perfectly honest, she could write fanfiction on here, I believe it would turn some heads! c:


It is totally a hidden gem. It's the size of Massachusetts with a population of 370,000. It's ballsack hot here right now too, but the breeze is coming back.
I'm gonna keep nudging her to get on. I'll let you know when she does.

I actually lived in Massachusetts for a year, so it sounds kind of like the best of both worlds since Hawaii is also molten hot at the moment as well.

When you're talking about the breeze, do you mean like tradewinds? Because we have similar type of weather if that's the case! Please let me know, I would follow her often. I want to get back into drawing myself, and me and one of my roommates were just talking about that <3

Yes, indeed. The trade winds. They come and go with no mercy.

I'll let you know if she gets active on here.

Same here, we are burning up in this heat gosh! Please do, I'm keeping tabs c;