We call something 'A' myth because it could be true or false! We also term things we have no knowledge of superstition. People fear what they do not know.
Science and reality are not the same things. It's not everything that can be proving scientifically.
Africans are known for these taboos and they are the reality of the people. Whether anybody believes it or not, these things are real and binding.
My cousin ate melon soup unknowing to my aunt that it is forbidden and yellow spots started appearing on her body. They didn't know why until they enquire about it and they were told it is forbidden. Since she stopped eating that soup, the yellow spots stopped expanding.
We need to understand that we are Africans and should not think we can rationalize everything. Education will not even save us when these things happen.
Remember, 'give unto cezar what belong to Cezar. Thanks.
Oh wow! what tribe forbids melon soup?
lols! A part of Ilaje people!
Okay dear.