Losing Weight - 10 Weight Loss Tips

in #food7 years ago (edited)

The right bite and you will make it!
Slowly, the fatty tissue on the thighs and hips increases, the kilos steadily become more and more. One notices slowly, one weighs too much and, as a precaution, does not even climb onto the hated scales anymore. But at some point you can no longer look at the full-length mirror without turning away bashful.
You should do something !! Lose weight! But how?
It's so hard to overcome the infamous "inner bastard" and eat less. "Eat less" is in itself a joke, especially since the ham and cheese rolls for lunch did not even deserve the word "meal". The hunger in the evening is therefore only logical and justified. If you say so. But the evening meals bring the kilos ...
But if you continue like that, you know that very well, you will end up as a barrel and nobody likes this idea. But how can one manage to get slim and maintain the graceful shape permanently?
Diet instructions were and are like sand on the sea. However, what is to be demonstrated today is not new wisdom, but a few valuable tips from a true success story.
Before you decide to do something against his bacon rolls, you should really feel ready for it. You can tell by the fact that you are already so mischievous after looking in the mirror, that you simply want to bring about a change in the situation without any ifs or buts. Without the inner, determined attitude and a concrete goal in mind, one will "fall over" again and again and tilt back into its old scheme.
Therefore, you have to spur yourself on it with the following tips:
Tip 1:
Place a small notebook in which you write down all the food you eat during the day. Make it your mission to eat lower calorie products with less fat. Above all, avoid high-fat foods. A one percent yoghurt will satisfy your hunger as much as three percent and will not give your fat cells any new food.
Tip 2:
Also look for low-calorie products with the drinks. Drink tap water - preferably 3-4 liters a day. This can also reduce hunger and flush the toxins out of your body.
Tip 3:
Try to eat little or no food at night. You will see how good you will feel the next morning. The stomach feels flatter and you are really hungry for a hearty breakfast.
Tip 4:
Once you feel cravings for something sweet, you do not completely deny it. Treat yourself to one or two ribs of chocolate when you can not stand it anymore. It is better to indulge in a little something every now and then, as you fall after three weeks of extreme caste on a large bar of chocolate and destroyed them completely. Then the bad conscience is quite big and in the end you throw all your good intentions and fall back into the old rut.
Tip 5:
Do not forget to eat a balanced diet despite the reduced calorie diet. Balanced means to enrich the diet in particular with vitamin-rich fruits, vegetables, dairy products and other high-fiber foods and not take "dead" calories in the form of ham-cheese rolls.
Tip 6:
Try to do sports two or three times a week. First, sport distracts from eating and once you have done something sporty, you are not hungry anymore.
If you are a sluggish type, it is best to enroll in a fitness center. Even if you only "sit" on the exercise bike three times a week for 1 hour and pedal, it means an effective calorie burning.
Tip 7:
Write these training lessons in your notebook as well! You will see that motivates tremendously and makes you proud after every training session. And as I said, if it is only about three quarters of an hour or hour on the home trainer: It will work!
Tip 8:
So that you do not get tempted to postpone sports activities, it is advisable to remember the training days in your diary. For example, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Since you can already set off in the morning that you go in the evening for another hour training.
Tip 9:
It is best if you put your training bag into the car in the morning and drive straight from work to the fitness center. So it can not happen that you come home and after the short newspaper reading gain the knowledge that you do not want to do anything for your body today ... Excuses can quickly find excuses, with which one tries to calm his own conscience. After all, the lawn is still mowed or the floor let in ...
The lawn and the floor can wait! Do something for yourself! In a few weeks you will receive the reward for your discipline!
Tip 10:
According to experts, you should not lose more than 1.5 pounds within three weeks. If you lose weight faster, your overstretched skin will not be able to recede slowly.
Believe me: After some time of conscious eating, one learns to listen to the body, whether one is really hungry or just wants to eat something out of boredom or habit.
The protagonist of my true success story has lost fourteen kilos with this method within six months - and keeps her new weight in dress size 36 for five years.
The right "bite" will help you stay consistent throughout these months, and your reward will be a literally "easier" life!
All in all, if you follow these tips, you will feel like a newborn after only a few days, and in a few weeks or months you will be able to see the result clearly. You will be asked how slim you have become - and you will shine!