You see the title Burmese Food, but if you hear the local Burmese; you will hear "Burmese Foo! Burmese Foo!"; it is because of their native language make silence the last consonant, thus this effect to their English as well. I learned about that before making trip to Myanmar, so I can get that fast :D But if they are well educated, they speak better English than us.
Visiting Bagan, we had our dinner in a local food store. For the Burmese food set, there is a main dish which we need to tell the seller which one we take. After we order our main dish, they will serve us the main dish with 3-4 plates of side dish. For example if I order Chicken curry, I will get also deep fried fresh water shrimp, salty sauce with fresh vegetables, peanut fried and eggplant soup, ... etc. Normally the Burmese dish cost us 2 USD, per person; which is quite reasonable. The Burmese food does taste quite similar to Cambodian food, just that their fried food are too much deep fried.
The Burmese people are uniquely kind and open people actually. I do really love my trip in Myanmar. They are really hard working people. Pack for you trip to Myanmar, before the too much change in the country! It is a really beautiful country. I would love to visit Myanmar again ;) Dressing up like Burmese is a bonus for us, because people think that we are also Burmese; since southeast people do have similar face :D
Very Nice
2 USD per dish is a bargain. I am craving some asian food now :D