What if the stores ran out of food?

in #food9 years ago (edited)

What if your local grocery stores ran out of food..

This is what has been happening this year in Venezuela, but also has happend in other places like Zimbabwe, and there has even been food shortages in parts of Canada.

This is usually caused by the government printing a lot of money due to defaulting on debt, and causing hyperinflation.

How long would your food last if the stores were out?

I'm not talking about frozen food, but food that has a long shelf life.

It is probably some of the cheapest food you can buy.. from the rice which is .50 cents each lbs bag to oats, and even ramen noodles which is like $2 for a case of 12.. Also there other foods like flour, sugar, popcorn, and cereal.

What if it's too late..?

In all the food shortage cases the one thing that has value to buy food when this does happen is gold.. which most people do not have, and would have a hard time finding.

Silver is something I buy though because it's cheaper, but I would suggest buying some food to stock up on before buying precious metals.

Bitcoin/STEEM can help!

In places like this where gold is hard to come by.. If people have access to internet which a lot of times they do.. then cryptocurrency can definitely help!

People do have things of value, and if a currency did collapse cryptocurrency can step in and provide a means of exchange until the country brings in a new currency.

So if you are reading this then I would say definitley consider trying to get most if not everything listed here so that you can protect yourself and your family.

And as always let me know what you think, and share your own ideas as well!


I´m of Venezuela and are living a situation of great shortage and the people is passing hunger, with the intention of help to my people and carry them a ray of hope have created it campaign a UPVOTE by VENEZUELA want to deliver food in them communities, make testimonies of thanks and publish them in steemit is that if us us unite can call it attention of them large whales so our campaign have success , if all help can realize it

Can you post the link please so we all can see and contribute

Of course this is the link of what have made each day public one with the hope of that is successful not me dare by expired until get it helps that need https://steemit.com/campaign/@edbriv/the-heartbreaking-story-of-a-child-in-venezuela#@james212/re-edbriv-the-heartbreaking-story-of-a-child-in-venezuela-20160806t032343941z

Here is a link to my survival file downloads. There is a lot of good information on these sites.

wise words.. always good to be prepared for disaster. I agree crypto currency COULD be useful if your currency loses value.

Thanks brotha!
And yeah I figured this was something everyone should hear..

So... helping countries with cryptocurrency is great and all... but how do countries like this find out about cryptocurrencies? How can a community like steemit reach out?

Telecommunications go down..

Stores cannot restock...

Within 4 days shelves are empty...

People start eating eachother...

Welcome to the Zombie Apocalypse

This is not good at all. @stealthtrader thank you for sharing. Upvoted and now following! Come say hi, we have just released our first edition :)

Hahah awesome post, I hope we will never run out of food tbh!!! :)) Loved it!

Helpful hint for anyone out there: Rice is very calorie dense and inexpensive, which makes it a good emergency food. However, not all rices are equal. Brown and wild have very short shelf lives compared to white or oxygen-free white. http://www.eatbydate.com/grains/rice-shelf-life-expiration-date/

I really like this post, straight forward, informative and actually like makes sense...not super extreme. Great!

So I have like 1 silver coin...god, I need to accumulate for sure.

I think in situations like this, just general trade would be the go-to, you know, like I have some old instruments, or a nice coat, trade for some grub or other thing I need. I wonder how trade would be valued though? Including like silver and stuff, an ounce, what would that buy?

Most places that this happens to end up turning grains into a form of payment

Check out my survival links. I have links to many gigs of downloadable survival information, including how to run a car or generator on wood.

Hell yeah that sounds badass!
Will do :D

Feel free to leave your links

Click on my name and you will see my survival link postings. One of the links lets you copy entire survival websites.

Crypto currency will become extremely valueable in the case of Hyper Inflation! Imagine if in Venezuela they had access to Bitcoin to hedge their own currency! They could make a fortune!!!

Canada ran out of food? Refresh my memory

Well obviously this there was SOME food, but there was a "shortage" of food, and hyper inflated prices.

We didn't run out of food. The price of everything just went up. These prices aren't the normal prices either. They are prices in isolated areas that usually cost more anyway. The are places way up north that can only get things delivered by truck in the winter on the ice roads. In the summer they need everything flown in. Up there, you can expect to bay $45 for a pack of Gillette razors. But you are definitely right in saying people should be prepared for a food shortage. It can happen so fast.

Yeah, believe it or not socialism isn't as great as people say. Not that crony capitalism will end well either...