Hello dear friends!
Today I would like to share a recipe of my favorite cake called Pancho. I really hope you will enjoy it as much as I do ^-^
Here what we need
• Cream cheese 1kg;
• 2 eggs;
• 3 cups of sugar;
• 2 cups of flour;
• Baking soda 1 tsp;
• pineapple;
• nuts 50 gr;
• vanillin, oil and cacao;
We start with mixing cream cheese (half), sugar (half) and eggs
Slowly adding flour and baking soda
That’s what we get
Start baking half of it
Add cacao to the second half
Mix it
Bake it
Here’s first part ready
And here’s the second brownish part
Now we gotta make a base for our cake, by cutting first white cake half
The rest we put on top of what we got
Then we mix the other half of the cream cheese and sugar
Like this
Let’s fill our base with a cream adding pieces of the cake with pineapples and nuts all together
Cover the top with the cream
Next coat
Repeat, filling with a cream adding pieces of the cake with pineapples and nuts all together
Until all ingredients are finished
The last cover with a cream, then let’s keep it in a fridge for an hour
Adding the last cream we have
To make our cake more beautiful we can melt a little bit of chocolate
Like this for example
Finally, the more we keep it in a fridge the better, like 12 hrs