Let’s Talk Health: Eating Day lily during Spring time to reduce irritations (Traditional Chinese Medicine) - 春天就是要吃金針菜
肝又主情志 特別是怒
In the 5 elements, spring is what the Chinese Medicine considered “wood”. Within the 5 organs is the liver. Spring is also represents liver energy grows strong. The liver is also the main organ that controls emotion, especially the emotion of anger, therefore, Springtime is relatively easier to get angry.
突然發脾氣 或情緒不穩的時間也增多
There is also an increase in the time for sudden tantrums or emotional instability during Springtime.
它亦有個名字叫忘憂草 療愁花
幫助腦部運動 集中注意力 提神醒腦
腦筋清楚 也就不會那麼容易暴燥吧
Daylily is also named “no worry plant” in the Chinese culture, I don't know how the ancestors were able to find out their characteristics and the medical value, but indeed the plant daylily has a high nutritional value, especially rich in lecithin. There helps with brain movements to concentrate on refreshment. As a result, it's not easy to get bored and potentially that’s the reason why it will cut down the chances of becoming irritate.
Please also be paying attention that fresh products of daylily should not be eaten alone, as it contains colchicine. If you were to do some research, overeating the chemical colchicine will get you poisoned.
Therefore, it is strongly recommend that you cook that with other meat or veggies.
For example: most of the mother's famous dishes
Steamed Chicken with Lily Flowers and Fungus would be a great choice
For a detailed recipe of Steamed Chicken with Lily Flowers and Fungus, you can go to this website and they provide a step-by-step tutorials on how to make this dish.
Hope this helps!
Debbie @stepbie
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About me: I am a Licensed Acupuncturist in California and I specialize in women's health and infertility. I obtained my Master degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches University, and am couple months away from obtaining my Doctoral degree in Oriental Medicine. If you have any question regarding health and Chinese Medicine, feel free to drop me a message! I am more than happy to help!