Sauteed Tempe Teri

in #food7 years ago



  • Teri jenki 100 gram, digoreng
  • Tempe 300 gram, potong dadu
  • 3 potong cabe merah, potong 1 cm
  • 3 buah cabe hijau, 1 cm dipotong - kecap manis 3 sendok makan
  • Garam secukupnya
  • Gul apasir 1/4 sdt
  • Air 100 ml
  • Minyak goreng 2 sdm


  • Bawang putih 3 siung, diiris tipis
  • Bawang 5 cengkeh, diiris tipis
  • 2 lembar daun jeruk
  • Salam 1 lembar
  • Kengkuas 2 cm, dilumatkan

Bagaimana membuat :

  1. Panaskan minyak, tumis semua bumbu hingga harum.

  2. Masukkan cabe merah dan cabe hijau, aduk sampai layu.

  3. Masukkan tempe dan teri, tambahkan garam, gula dan kecap manis, aduk rata.

  4. Tuangkan air, masak hingga matang.

  5. Angkat dan sajikan.



Material :

  • Teri jenki 100 grams, fried
  • Tempe 300 grams, diced
  • 3 pieces of red chili, cut 1 cm
  • 3 pieces of green chili, 1 cm cut
  • sweet soy sauce 3 tablespoons
  • Salt to taste
  • Gul apasir 1/4 tsp
  • Water 100 ml
  • Cooking oil 2 tbsp


  • Garlic 3 cloves, thinly sliced
  • Onion 5 cloves, thinly sliced
  • 2 pieces of orange leaves
  • 1 sheet greetings
  • Kengkuas 2 cm, crushed

How to make :

  1. Heat oil, stir fry all the spices until fragrant.

  2. Enter the red chili and green chilli, stirring until wilted.

  3. Enter the tempeh and anchovies, add salt, sugar and sweet soy sauce, stirring.

  4. Pour water, cook until done.

  5. Lift and serve.


Waaooo...... I like it ,nice recipe