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RE: Chinese Food Adventures: #8-JianBing

in #food7 years ago

There was once a time in my life when working at a rather rural university campus that appeared to be a good walk away from what one would usually refer to as 'civilisation,' that I would practically live on Jianbings sold by the nearby street food vendors.

They aren't exactly the healthiest thing ever, but they are yet another one of those fantastic Chinese dishes that deserve more recognition around the world. There's apparently somebody in London offering them to gullible hipsters at £5 a pop, so there's still hope yet.

What's more, one can get pretty creative when it comes to the fillings or the batter. One of my preferred local vendors offers a wholegrain batter variation and other vendors offer absolute monstrosities filled with excessive amounts of ingredients that turn what it is supposed to be a humble handheld street snack into something that requires a knife, a fork and a change of t-shirt when you've finished eating it.