Characteristics of sardines and canned mackerel safe and quality

in #food7 years ago (edited)


The rise of news about canned sardines containing worms is sure to make many people worry. Maybe not a few who decided to stop consuming canned sardines at all. Though not all sardines and canned mackerel is not hygienic, let alone to contain worms.



If you want to buy good canned sardines and canned mackerel, consider the following points. Do not stick to the expensive price, because it does not always guarantee the quality of the fish used. Usually that determines the price is just the size of the fish and the length of the distribution chain only.

  1. Cans have not dented
    Never buy sardine cans and canned mackerel that the packaging is dented, let alone not whole. Cans that are not good obviously have reduced quality in preserving food.

  2. Cans have not rusted yet
    Besides not dent, canned canned sardines and canned mackerel also can not rust. The rusty rubber metal means already oxidized. It could be the inside too, thus affecting the quality of fish in it.

  3. Cans are stored at room temperature
    Canned food is best kept at room temperature. High temperatures make the food in it quickly damaged. While low temperatures like in the refrigerator can make a rusty can fast.

  4. The pieces of fish are still intact
    Good canned sardines and canned mackerel have a relatively intact piece of fish. If the fish in it is destroyed, should not be consumed.

  5. No suspicious aroma
    In addition to the pieces are still intact, fish are still feasible consumption also does not issue a suspicious aroma.

  6. For imported products, note the origin and place of packaging
    In imported canned fish, not infrequently the source of raw materials and canning place comes from two different countries. Fish from Alaska could be packed in Thailand to pursue cheap labor costs. Fish that have gone through a long and long process like this of course more risky than fresh fish that immediately processed and packed.

Sardines according to scientists

(3 Important Facts About Worms In Sardines)


Lately the public was thrown with the issue of worms in canned sardines. This is certainly detrimental to many, given the sardines are fish rich in nutrients and beneficial to health. However, indeed there are worms in canned sardines? Is this worm a danger to the body? And any canned sardines that contain worms? Relax, you can refer to all the facts below as quoted from

1. There is no worm in canned sardines, but in some canned mackerel fish products

As explained by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (Badan POM), there are actually no worms found in canned sardine products. The existing product worms turned out to be three brands of canned mackerel fish. Three brands of mackerel containing this worm are Farmerjack, IO, and HOKI. All three of these products have been withdrawn from circulation because they are not worth consuming.

2. The worms in this canned mackerel fish are dead

The results of the analysis and findings of the POM Agency suggest that the worms in canned mackerel fish products are dead, not live worms.

The worms found were parasitic worms of Anisakis sp. In the journal Clinical Microbiology Reviews, it is said that this worm is indeed found in many marine fish, including mackerel fish packed in cans. If consumed by humans even when in a state of death, this worm can cause health problems.

3. What are the consequences if you already eat worms in canned fish?

Reported from the journal Foodborne Pathogens and Disease in 2010, there are two things that might happen if you eat worms in sardines or canned mackerel, both dead and live worms. The first is digestive disorders, with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. However, some people who eat worms from marine fish may not feel any digestive symptoms.

The second thing that might happen is an allergic reaction to Anisakis worms. The possibility of this reaction has also been warned by the POM, so that the products are eventually withdrawn from the market.

Worms in sardines or mackerel has the potential to cause an allergic reaction because it contains certain chemicals a protein that is not friendly to humans. As a result, when eaten the immune system (immune) you will think of it as an attack of foreign substances that are harmful to the body. Allergic reactions that occur can be mild to serious.

That is the characteristic of canned sardines and canned mackerel that have quality.


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