Some questions related to balanced diet ??

in #food7 years ago (edited)

First question -

How do you eat a balanced diet?

To eat a balanced diet, the following things should be kept in mind.
Choose the healthy foods option.
Include all the nutrients in your diet.
Keep an eye on the consumption of each of your meals.
Avoid excess sugar and packaged foods.
Include many types of foods in your plate.

other question -

How do you eat?

Eating well depends not only on food but also on things given below.
Never leave food
Always follow a balanced diet.
Eat more vegetables and fruits.
Avoid gas-filled beverages.

Third question -

What should be eaten in the diet?

The following foods not only help maintain proper diet,
But also reduce the weight.
Leafy vegetables

Thanks everybody to support me to vote and comments as well as .

Have a nice night;;
