Thank you for your 100% downvote, I returned the favour with a 100% downvote for your colourful words which are not welcomed here.
Thank you for your 100% downvote, I returned the favour with a 100% downvote for your colourful words which are not welcomed here.
What this dummkopf noob doesn't realise is that by trolling and spitefully downvoting larger accounts he only hurts his own reputation, which has already gone from 30 to 27. I'm quite happy to keep downvoting till he gets to 0 and I have already reported this account to steemcleaners for hate speech
hahahaha I know right, I was saying the same thing to my partner earlier today when I was explaining to him why I was doing what I was doing. His behaviour is unacceptable and he only just joined steemit this month. At the rate he is going abusing everyone and everything including bots, his reputation will be 0.
Thanks for reporting to steemcleaners, I was searching earlier on how to report but I couldn't find exactly how and I read somewhere that you couldn't report this sort of abuse but only ask for advice. But I just searched some more now and found this site: is this where you would report it?
Yes, although steemcleaners does mainly deal with spam. However, in his case, cheetah has already flagged him twice so there is a case for steemcleaners.
But there are various groups on Discord and Steemchat where others with big voting power will happily come to your aid to flag abusive accounts. Anyone with a higher rep can affect those with a lower rep, it's just a bigger waste of voting power for them. I see some of his buddies have already been flagged down to 6 and their posts hidden
Yesterday, I had one on my post where the spam account was nuked but the comments not hidden because hackers had used a high-rep hacked account to upvote those spam comments. Poor guy didn't even know what had gone down until I tagged him and all his steem and sbd had already been transferred out of his accountBut if you look at the other hidden comment on this post, when you see those, they are accounts created by hackers with links to phishing sites. If you see them before the accounts have been nuked, report immediately on steemchat in the #steemitabuse channel so that they can act. Tag @guiltyparties there
Cheers!!Ahhhh thanks @nikv for the information. I'll keep it in mind when I see it next.
Ok, this one is dumber than a box of rocks. I organised some extra firepower in the form of someone who likes downvoting nazi trolls. Perhaps he hasn't realised that Steemit is a community, not a dailystormer haven. So ya, keep commenting and posting so that we can keep downvoting you till your account is nuked
I reported him yesterday too for his constant abuse, death threats and foul language not only to me and my friend, but other members of the steemit community who have done nothing wrong to deserve it.hahaha thanks @nikv
I'm lighting a candle every night praying you get beheaded by a nigger.
That's where you're wrong, cumdumpster.
Cool, slut. Hope you get aids and infect any future cunt-spawn.