These pieces of garbage running the planet look weaker and weaker everyday . Here in america the veterans are communicating more with each other , and many have decided NOT to take anymore FLU shots , and feel better for it . Those of us who can put up a good fight are preparing to do so . These free shit programs are all collapsing . OBAMA socialist care has just gotten a federal judge to strike it down as being unconstitutional . The HUD/VASH program (HUD for vets) has more questions then answers , and skimming of the voucher program is suspected . This all after the VA ( veterans administration) sent all of us a survey to see how they’re doing⁉️🤨 I mean WOW are they out of touch . None of us are happy with them . Please tell the world that they push worthless medications on us , and deny us proven aids like cannabis which they have a patent for . The buildings they put us in are for the most part GARBAGE . And local building codes only help those building owners save money on needed repairs . FREE SHIT will never work❗️
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