As a dedicated food enthusiast, I constantly seek opportunities to gather up some friends and family and make a reservation at an attractive restaurant. For me, there is something so comforting and satisfying in sharing a good meal with good people! Every now and then, however, things don’t go according to plan and you could be left with an unpleasant, if not awkward dining experience. Below I discuss some things that could go wrong and offer sound advice on how to best handle a nasty situation so that your dining experience will always be deemed great!
The first bit of advice I can give you, not just for a pleasant meal out but for anything in life actually is that a pleasant experience starts with a pleasant mind. And if you are planning on sharing a meal with other pleasant and positive people, it is sure to be a success and a night to remember! Never expect the worst, because what you are prepared for is usually what you will get. If you are visiting a new restaurant, a good idea would be to do some research online, perhaps they have a website that offers images of their tables and meals or even better, they might give you a preview of their menu! You will be surprised how this information puts you at ease and a relaxed mind is a happy mind!
Now with that being said, it could be that your expectations are not met once you arrive at your restaurant of choice – no need to kick up a fuss. Adjust the situation in the most befitting way and who knows; perhaps it all turns out even better than expected. The key here is to relax and make the most out of any situation if you do this the rest of your guests are likely to follow suit!
Next, let’s look at how unwelcomed situations can be dealt with:
Good food should come with good service, right? RIGHT! You should expect nothing less at any restaurant. If you do find yourself with a lazy or unorganised waiter, however, should you just let it slide? Definitely not, but you should handle the situation pleasantly and fairly. Kindly thank the waiter for his service thus far, but then make it known to him that you are unsatisfied and hope that he will put a bit more effort in. If his service does not improve after this, then ask for the manager and calmly and politely discuss the situation. Never make a scene, it is not necessary and if anything, this will ruin your guest’s meal as you will surely embarrass them! Some food for thought: tip your server accordingly but never leave without tipping at all – this won’t impress your guests and you are not the employee’s manager so it is not up to you to “teach the guy a lesson.”
Let’s think of another unwelcome scenario. Let’s say that the food is not up to standard, and by not up to the standard I mean inedible. Not all food is amazing, but it is most often good enough and if this is the case, humbly eat your meal and simply don’t return to that restaurant again. If you are served a meal that is cold or just completely unacceptable, don’t hesitate to let it be known to the waiter. Again, don’t make a scene about it, kindly request what can be done to make it better and please please don’t let this occurrence falter your mood. Take everything in good stride and make the most of the situation – in most circumstances the issue will be resolved and you will not be left hungry. Remember that everyone makes mistakes and although this is unfortunate, it is not a big enough problem to ruin a dining experience.
The above mentioned are only a few of the un-pleasantries that can occur while you are dining out, trust me, there are many more things that could go wrong! But in my experience, it is not the occurrences themselves that can ruin a meal out, it’s the way in which you handle them which will define the result. Something to think about: it is usually not the perfect nights out that are remembered but the ones that have hiccups that are highlighted in your memory forever – make some good memories!