Women like sweets. Men like meat. Men are hunters due to their nature and that's why they need much meat.
BUT I have an idea of perfect sweets for men!) Sweets from meat!
We take :
- meat
- onion
- spicery
Make such "sweets" using foil and food membrane and bake for 1 hour
Yummy-yummy AND men are satisfied -)
Лайк за мясо! )
))спасибо, я ж говорю, что мужчины поймут, а внизу вон не понимают)
мясные конфеты - это альтернатива магазинной колбасы)
You are wrong, men are not hunters and meat is not masculine. Please reconsider your ethics.
Shut up, robot. What do you know of mans?
it was just with humour if you don't understand it..
personally I respect vegans much and I agree with their philosophy but men like meat more than women it's a fact, I can live without it, my husband - cant
It is never about respect for vegans, rather for the animals and environment. So you are not vegan for ethical or environmental reasons?
everything has its time and degree of understanding and agreement.
you dont practice mental approaches about soul development due to what reasons?
My soul comes after the lives of real beings. Do you think energy of your actions can affect your mental health? How would you value exploiting animals in your soul development?
we speak about different things. you didn't catch me so the discussion is senseless.
Just be patient to other people's opinion and way of life.
It's a bot, Talia.